How To Invest Without Being An Accredited Investor


Differences Between Accredited And Non

Bous Episode: How to Become an Accredited Investor without the Money


The criteria set by the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Regulation D states that an accredited individual investor must have a net worth of more than $1 million , must have earned $200,000 or more annually for the last two years, and must also be a general partner, director, executive officer, or related combination.

There are no formal certifications or qualifications to be an accredited investor. As long as an individual meets the minimum net worth, they are automatically accredited. The matter of how much personal wealth a person has is the only distinction between being accredited and non-accredited.

In the United States, an accredited investor has access to investment opportunities that are not available to everyone. For non-accredited investors, this means it would be illegal if someone were to present investment opportunities available in private businesses to you unless you know the founder of the company making the offer. One of the things that make being accredited appealing is the fact it opens up new opportunities for investing in areas such as venture capital and hedge funds.

Another asset of being accredited is noted by the SEC. The organization points out that an investor is considered sophisticated and maintains sufficient funds that can keep the investor protected. This is not the case for an unsophisticated investor.


Few states have made it possible for non-accredited investors to attain equity in startups. These states are:

Is It Worth It To Become An Accredited Investor

Becoming an accredited investor allows you to invest in more assets than the investing public.

Several companies specifically establish special investment pools catering to accredited investors, as this entails less regulatory burden and hassle with registering securities with the appropriate regulatory authorities.

Becoming an accredited investor can provide you with more opportunities to invest your money. However, being an accredited investor does not necessarily mean having higher returns.

In exchange for forking over your money to non-traditional assets, you should expect that your returns will outperform the market as a whole.

Often, becoming an accredited investor changes little for your investing concerns. You want to preserve your day-to-day lifestyle through asset preservation or grow your funds through wealth accumulation.

Investing as an accredited investor does require you to participate in accredited investor-only deals. Choosing to invest in the real estate market, stocks, or other standard types of assets is prudent.

When deciding whether you should invest in accredited investor opportunities, you should balance the trade-off you make between higher-reward potential with the lack of reporting requirements or regulatory transparency.


Documents To Determine Accredited Investor Eligibility

You cannot register as an accredited investor in one location. Every platform you want to invest in would need to verify your documents. Luckily, the list of documents to determine accredited investor status is minor.

If you rely on financial eligibility for accredited investor qualifications, you need to submit only your W2s and Tax returns.

If you rely on knowledge for accredited investor qualifications, you need to submit proof of your professional certifications.

Some investment platforms request the documents every year to recertify. Other investment platforms have only asked for documents in the first year and then let me continue to signup for new investments even after several years. Another reason I highly recommend signing up for these various platforms even if you do not plan to invest right away. If something changes, you might not be able to access these investments.

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Why Invest In Farmland

So, why might you want to own a piece of farmland yourself?

Investing in real estate carries a lot of unique benefits, one of them being the tax benefits that you do not see with other investments out there. In addition, spreading your money out across different asset classes helps to mitigate risk.

Lastly, returns from farmland have kept pace with and at some times exceeded the stock market, with significantly less volatility.

Let’s cover each of these reasons in a bit more detail now.

Six Important Facts About The Jobs Act

Real Estate Crowdfunding Opportunities For Accredited Investors / Holdfolio
  • On May 16, 2016, Title III of the JOBS Act expanded the capabilities of equity crowdfunding, allowing nonaccredited investors to privately invest in companies for the first time since the Great Depression. It allowed new opportunities for investors and a larger pool of potential funding for new companies. Transactions are handled by a broker-dealer or through a funding portal.
  • Fundraising cycles are shorter. The SEC capped the amount a company can receive in a year. A company looking to raise more than $1 million through unaccredited investors will have to start the cycle every year.
  • Investments are limited. The SEC allows investors to make less than $100,000 per year to invest $2,000, or 5 percent of their annual income, in equity crowdfunding. Investors making more than $100,000 can invest up to 10 percent of their income but no more than $100,000 per year.
  • Portal offerings are patrolled. The investing platforms approved by the SEC are required to contain a variety of resources to help nonaccredited investors make informed decisions about their investments. That includes investment guides and all the documents a company is required to disclose.
  • There are regulations on resales. Nonaccredited investors must wait at least a year to sell their shares unless they sell them to an accredited investor.
  • Companies must disclose a great deal of information to seek crowdfunding, including:
    • Price to the public of the securities
    • The target offering amount

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    Sec Amendments To The Accredited Investor Definition

    On Aug. 26, 2020, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission amended the definition of an accredited investor. According to the SEC’s press release, “the amendments allow investors to qualify as accredited investors based on defined measures of professional knowledge, experience or certifications in addition to the existing tests for income or net worth. The amendments also expand the list of entities that may qualify as accredited investors, including by allowing any entity that meets an investments test to qualify.”

    Among other categories, the SEC now defines accredited investors to include the following:

    • Individuals who have certain professional certifications, designations, or credentials
    • Individuals who are knowledgeable employees of a private fund
    • SEC- and state-registered investment advisers

    Individuals holding Series 7, Series 65, and Series 82 licenses are now included as accredited investors. The SEC can add certifications and designations going forward to be included as well as encouraging the public to submit proposals for other certificates, designations, or credentials to be considered.

    Employees who are considered “knowledgeable employees” of a private fund are now also considered to be accredited investors in regards to that fund.

    Other entities that may qualify include limited liability companies with $5 million in assets, SEC- and state-registered investment advisers, exempt reporting advisers, and rural business investment companies.

    Where To Find Reg Cf Investment Offerings

    According to the SEC, Regulation Crowdfunding can take place online through an SEC-registered intermediary . The MicroVentures platform offers access to startup investment opportunities that are open to all investors. Visit the Reg CF offerings page to see whats live now.

    If youre not signed up for an account yet, you can view Reg CF offerings without logging in, but youll need to when youre ready to invest.


    The information presented here is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be, nor should it be construed or used as, comprehensive offering documentation for any security, investment, tax or legal advice, a recommendation, or an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, an interest, directly or indirectly, in any company. Investing in both early-stage and later-stage companies carries a high degree of risk. A loss of an investors entire investment is possible, and no profit may be realized. Investors should be aware that these types of investments are illiquid and should anticipate holding until an exit occurs.

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    The Best Investment Opportunities For Accredited Investors

    If you meet the accredited investor requirements and you’ve got your cash at the ready, here are some investment opportunities to take advantage of.


    Real estate crowdfunding can give you high returns without having to purchase property and flip it or rent it out. Real estate platforms like CrowdStreet give you access to commercial real estate developers and businesses that are trying to raise capital.

    With CrowdStreet, you can choose an investment that fits your goals and pool your money with other investors, potentially achieving target returns of between 9% and 24%.


    What Is An Accredited Investor And How Do I Become One

    How to Become an Accredited Investor with Only $187 (Series 65 Exam)

    Alto currently has more than 80 investment platform partners across a range of asset classes, some of which require investor accreditation. So if youre new to alternative investing, you may be wondering what an accredited investor is, what qualifies someone as accredited, and how to become an accredited investor.

    While there are definite advantages to being an accredited investornamely expanded investment opportunitiesyou need to meet certain conditions in order to qualify.

    Here, well be discussing what an accredited investor is, the benefits of being one, and the requirements for accreditation.

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    How To Invest In Farmland

    How you invest in farmland will largely come down to your status as an investor.

    The SEC has set rules about who can and cannot invest in certain investments out there. They have a specific status called accredited investor which means a wider array of investments are available to you. In order to be an accredited investor, you have to meet certain income, net worth or licensing requirements.

    Governing bodies like the SEC regulate public investments such as stocks. This is resource intensive, and as a result the SEC cannot possibly regulate all investments out there. That is why some investments are limited to accredited investors only. They view this group as financially stable enough to take on higher risks. It is also expected that this type of investor performs their own research and due diligence.

    Unfortunately, many farmland investments out there require you to be an accredited investor. First of all, let’s define the requirements so you can determine if you are accredited.

    Individuals With Professional Qualifications

    Anyoneregardless of income or net worthwho holds Series 7, Series 65, or Series 82 licenses from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and is in good standing is now considered an accredited investor. The SEC can and expects to add more qualifications to this new list, but as of now, only individuals holding the licenses above can qualify.

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    Obtain Accredited Investor Documentation

    Proving your accredited investor qualifications starts with careful documentation. Here are some documents that you may need to obtain to verify your status:

    • Financial statements
    • Tax returns and documents
    • FINRA certifications

    Your primary residences value is not something you can include in your net worth report. However, you may add investment properties and vacation homes as long as you can verify ownership and valuation. The financial firm reviewing your submitted documents will accept or deny your accredited investor status.

    Do You Have To Prove You Are An Accredited Investor

    How To Raise Money From Non Accredited Investors

    The burden of proving that you are an accredited investor does not fall directly on you but rather the investment vehicle you would like to invest in. An investment vehicle, such as a fund, would have to determine that you qualify as an accredited investor. To do this, they would ask you to fill out a questionnaire and possibly provide certain documents, such as financial statements, , or tax returns.

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    How To Become An Accredited Investor

    An accredited investor is a person or entity with exclusive access to complex, loosely regulated and often opaque investments like hedge funds, leveraged buyouts and startups. To become an accredited investor the Securities and Exchange Commission requires certain wealth, income or knowledge requirements. Whether you qualify as an accredited investor or not, a financial advisor can help you manage your investments and meet your financial goals.

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    Retirement Accelerator

    Brian Rose

    Brian Rose is an MIT graduate, with a degree in engineering. Upon finishing school, he immediately began working on Wall Street. An advanced technical trader, Brian was trading a book of $100 million at the age of 22. He spent years on Wall Street, working in New York, Chicago and London. He made millions, but…

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    Whats An Accredited Investor

    An accredited investor is an individual or a business entity thats allowed to invest in private market securities offerings. Accredited investors are entitled to this privileged access by satisfying at least one requirement on income, net worth, asset size, governance status, or professional experience.

    In the U.S., the term is used by the SEC to refer to investors who are financially sophisticated and have a reduced need for the protection provided by the liquidity in the public securities markets. They can include individuals with high net worth, banks, insurance companies, brokers, and trusts, and, now, certain individuals with certain professional experience and those who choose to invest through an LLC or other entity structure.

    What Is The Role Of Accredited Investors

    Should you become an Accredited Investor?

    For companies raising capital, the accredited investor definition largely determines who is in their pool of potential investors, and for investors whether they are eligible to invest in many early-stage companies. Many of the offering exemptions under the federal securities laws limit participation to accredited investors or contain restrictions on participation by non-accredited investors.

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    The Calculation Of Net Worth

    An individuals net worth or income is one of the key criteria for qualifying as an accredited investor.

    While the SECs definitions have always permitted the inclusion of a spouses income and net worth to determine whether someone meets the accredited investor definition, the new rules further clarify that this flexibility will now be extended to cover cover homosexual and unmarried relationships, or, more formally, cohabitants occupying a relationship generally equivalent to that of a spouse.

    Lifeafar gives individual accredited investors, family offices, and private funds the opportunity to partake in the ownership of international real estate and agriculture projects with a stable value proposition and a high potential for appreciation that have traditionally been reserved for large institutions.

    Our entrepreneurial and boots-on-the-ground approach to identify and structure these opportunities are both attractive to our investors and seen as a value-add to the communities where they are located.

    If you are interested in learning more, please visit our investment opportunities or contact us directly using the form below.

    What Can Accredited Investors Do

    Accredited investors are permitted to purchase, own, and sell unregistered securities, which are financial instruments that are not registered with the SEC.

    Most private equity, venture capital, and hedge funds fall into this category. Individuals who wish to include these options in their financial strategies need to qualify as accredited investors. Importantly, no government agency performs a formal accreditation process. Organizations selling unregistered securities are required to verify that they sell only to accredited investors by screening prospective buyers as part of the diligence process.

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    How To Determine If Youre Accredited

    Individuals who have earned $200,000 or more in income over the past two years automatically qualify as an accredited investor, as does a person whose incomewhen combined with a spouse’stotals $300,000 or more.

    An individual can also maintain a net worth of $1 million or more, minus the value of a primary residence. The only situation where the primary home can weigh on net worth is when an investor has either an underwater mortgage or a balance on a home equity line of credit.

    Equity Crowdfunding And The Jobs Act

    Accredited Investor Qualifications: How To Become An Accredited ...

    Here’s the background: The 2012 Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act was passed to make it easier for small businesses to raise capital and, in turn, spur economic growth through job creation. Title III of the act deals specifically with crowdfunding. In October 2015, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission finalized some key provisions relating to permitting non-accredited investors to participate in this type of investment.

    Many types of equity investments are only open to accredited investors. These include banks, insurance companies, employee benefit plans and trusts, plus certain individuals considered affluent and financially sophisticated enough to have a reduced need for certain protections. To qualify as an accredited investor, an individual must earn more than $200,000 per year, have a net worth exceeding $1 million, or be a general partner, executive officer or director for the issuer of the security.

    Investing through crowdfunding platforms is uncharted territory for non-accredited investors, but understanding how the different types of crowdfunded investments work can make navigating the waters easier.

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    Things To Keep In Mind About Alternative Investments Requiring Accreditation

    Some alternative investments come with high levels of risk. Strategies like private equity utilize large amounts of debt to achieve higher returns, while hedge funds use derivatives to enter long and short positions, increasing risk.

    Additionally, there are often restrictions on withdrawing capital from such investments. So if you need a certain amount of liquidity at regular intervals, these investments may not be the way to go.

    Its also worth noting that many private investments charge high fees, including operating and performance fees. For example, hedge funds and private equity typically have a 2 and 20 structure. This means 2% of the net asset value of the fund is paid as management fees, and 20% of the profit is a performance fee, which is paid to the manager if a specific hurdle rate or a high-water mark is crossed.


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