Raising Capital For Real Estate Investment Company


Best For Institutional Commercial Real Estate: Equitymultiple

How to be Successful When Raising Capital for Real Estate Investing
  • Fees: 1% on equity investments other fees vary by offering
  • Minimum investment: $10,000
  • Average annual returns: 16.8% historically
  • Total investor distributions: $126.7 million
  • Investment options: Institutional commercial real estate equity, preferred equity, and senior debt opportunity zones and 1031 exchange investments
  • Accredited investors only: Yes

EquityMultiple focuses almost entirely on institutional commercial real estate, and it also offers equity, preferred equity, and senior debt investments. The company recently added tax-advantaged real estate investments and fund products to its lineup. Distribution schedules vary by deal but are usually monthly or quarterly.

  • Variety of target hold periods

  • Easy-to-use platform

  • Fees: 0.15% Advisory fee 0.85% Asset management fee
  • Minimum investment: $10 to $100,000, depending on account level
  • Average annual returns: 7.31% to 16.11%, from 2017 to 2021
  • Total investor distributions: $124 million+
  • Investment options: Varies depending on the selected account level
  • Accredited investors only: No

Since its launch in 2012, Fundrise has invested in more than $5 billion worth of real estate across the U.S. Today, it manages over $1.5 billion of equity on behalf of more than 170,000 individual investors.

Fundrise offers five account levels: Starter, Basic, Core, Advanced, and Premium. Thereâs a minimum investment amount at each level and varying investment strategies and potential returns.

  • Request share redemption at any time

Real Estate Project Finance Vs Corporate Finance

When a corporationCorporationA corporation is a legal entity created by individuals, stockholders, or shareholders, with the purpose of operating for profit. Corporations are allowed to enter takes on a new investment, it can use cash flows from other operating activities to fund the new project. It can also use its general creditworthiness to borrow money and fund the project. The corporation might also issue equity with an indefinite time horizon. In real estate project finance, equity used to fund the project is usually repaid at the end of a specific time horizon.

How Can You Start In Real Estate Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding platforms connect sponsors and real estate investors. To get started in real estate crowdfunding, research the various crowdfunding sites to find an opportunity that interests youâwhether thatâs an individual property or a fund that owns dozens of properties.

Pay close attention to the platformâs vetting process for deals as well as its sponsors. The top platforms employ high levels of due diligence to make sure that sponsorsâand any deals offered by the sponsorsâhave been rigorously evaluated.

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How To Raise Capital For Your Real Estate Projects

Steve Byrne is founder of EquiSource and has been in commercial real estate investment, management, and finance for nearly 40 years.


Reliable, profitable and widely available, real estate is an excellent investment choice. The benefits of real estate investments, from tax incentives to reliable rental income, are clear.

You may be concerned about how to raise capital for real estate investments, but it’s easier than you think. There are many ways of securing capital, and you can find one that will work for you in this article.

How Do I Generate Capital For Real Estate?

As a real estate investor, you want capital sources with a proven track record. There are six options that investors tend to use:

Bank loans

FHA loans

Hard and private money loans

Peer-to-peer loans


1. Bank Loans

These are some of the most popular approaches to funding a real estate project. With today’s low interest rates and strong real estate market, this traditional option continues to be appealing.

There is some red tape associated with getting a loan through a bank. Your lender will evaluate your debt-to-income ratio, credit history and assets before agreeing to offer you a loan. To get approved for a loan, you will need a strong credit score, a reliable income and minimal debt.

2. FHA Loans

If you are looking for a home and an investment opportunity all-in-one, an FHA loan is a great choice.

3. Self-Directed IRA Accounts

4. Hard And Private Money Loans

5. Peer-To-Peer Loans

Develop Strategies To Boost Brand Awareness And Create A Corporate Identity

Raising Capital for Real Estate Investors

While publicity might seem like a pointless activity for an entrepreneur just starting up, it is in fact a very vital aspect as this ensures that the entrepreneur is able to get attention for his or her business quickly than if they didnt engage in any publicity campaign for the business. Also, with publicity, not only is the intended target market aware of the business but other stakeholders and even competitors become aware of the business.

The advantages that come with boosting awareness for ones brand is why even businesses that are in existence and have become very successful at what they do, set aside a certain amount of money every year to engage in activities that will keep them in the eye of their target market as well as the general public because these companies have found that enough awareness form the public is in line with the revenue they generate.

However, not just any activity can help promote the image of the company positively which is why concrete plans have to be written down and then strategies crafted in order that the overall plans might be achieved. It is therefore important that before any plans are crafted, a thorough research on the market has been conducted as this will help ensure that what is being crafted is in line with current market trends.

Below are some of the strategies needed to boost the awareness and create a corporate identity for your company

  • Pool of cash for investment
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  • Yes.

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    Funding Operations With Capital

    Running a business requires a great deal of capital. Capital can take different forms, from human and labor capital to economic capital. But when most people hear the term financial capital, the first thing that comes to mind is usually money.

    That’s not necessarily untrue. Financial capital is represented by assets, securities, and yes, cash. Having access to cash can mean the difference between companies expanding or staying behind and being left in the lurch. But how can companies raise the capital they need to keep them going and to fund their future projects? And what options do they have available?

    There are two types of capital that a company can use to fund operations: debt and equity. Prudent corporate finance practice involves determining the mix of debt and equity that is most cost-effective. This article examines both kinds of capital.

    Equity Financing For Real Estate

    Equity crowdfunding is where many people contribute towards the purchase of an asset typically through an entity that is set up solely for the purpose of owning the asset, a single purpose entity or SPE. In exchange for their financial contributions, investors own shares in the SPE which in turn owns the asset. The developer will also own shares in the SPE and will have an operating agreement of some sort, that defines their rights and responsibilities.

    Their primary role will be to manage the day to day execution of the business plan for the asset, be it ground up development or adding value to an existing property etc. Investors will also have an agreement with the SPE that defines their rights and responsibilities, and that describes how their investment will be returned to them and with what share of the profits.

    These payments to investors are often in the form of a preferred return of some sort, measured in percentage terms and most commonly an 8% return . This income comes from net operating income from rents.

    Investors also typically share a percentage of the profits that come with the sale of the asset.

    In general, equity investment is considered riskier for the investor than debt funding. Investors are passively involved in the investment with no real management responsibilities. They will carry part of the risk of failure, as the value of their equity stake changes with the asset value.

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    Talk To Hard Money Lenders About Your Real Estate Investing Plans

    Whether its for development or for property purchases, hardmoney is at the core of most investors real estate investing strategy.

    A hard money lender is a lot like a traditional lender in that they give people cash and expect to be paid back plus interest. However, what makes hard money lending a little bit different are the terms that hard money carries.

    Hard money almost always has a fast turnaround time. For example, most borrowers will be expected to pay back their loan in less than three years. On top of that, hard money lenders charge high interest rates. This is because their money is usually being used in high-risk ventures.

    The Cons Of Raising Capital

    Raising Private Money for Commercial Real Estate Investing
    • Its Expensive – Investors will expect a significant portion of the equity in the deal since theyre putting up the majority of the capital. Its not uncommon for investors to own 70%+ of the equity of these offerings.

    • You Dont Call All the Shots – Once youve taken capital from an investor, they will expect you to utilize that capital responsibly to get them a return. You may not actually work for them, but you really do.

    • Additional Complexity – Once youre no longer the only investor in your deals, they become more complex. Youll need to decide on a deal structure, put together an operating agreement, decide how to report financials, etc.

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    Tips For Raising Private Real Estate Capital

    The best advice for raising private capital in real estate will vary depending on who you ask. This is because over time, investors find the way of doing things that work best for their real estate businesses. However, this is not helpful to newbies. What I can say is that it takes time to develop a surefire system for raising private capital. In the meantime,here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Use Your Own Money First: Before you start fundraising a new project, assess how much capital of your own you can rely on. Not only will this help you frame the budget for the project, but it will also lower the amount of cash you are paying interest on should you find a private lender. To increase your personal capital, consider redoing your monthly budget and reducing expenses for a while you may even be eligible for a home equity loan.

  • Attention To Detail: The details included in your portfolio are going to make or break your pitch to private money lenders. Ensure you have an accurate purchase price, property value, rehab cost, and rental value wherever it applies to you. If this is your first investment deal, make sure the figures and estimates in your deal analyzer are as accurate as possible. Strong attention to detail could mean the difference between choosing a potential investment and securing enough financing.

  • How To Raise Private Capital For Real Estate

    Private money lenders will often have their own set of rules and guidelines. While many will exercise similar practices, their borrowers criteria are different. I maintain, however, that there are several universal things private money lenders look for.

    If borrowers can identify what it is their money partners want, its more likely that they will receive the loan. You see, lenders are in the business of making money, too. There are 6 Ps that you can remember when it comes to private money lenders. If you can give them the things I outline below, you could find yourself with the money needed to buy your next deal:

  • Protect their capital

  • Promote relationship building

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    Save Up For Real Estate Investing

    Financing for real estate investing and property purchases doesnt need to be complicated. For many people who have a good job and are working hard, getting the money you need to dive into real estate investing could be as easy as putting away money every month until youre ready to pay for that big deal.

    Capital Stack In Real Estate Project Finance

    Raising Capital for Commercial Real Estate Investments [An In Depth ...

    When it comes to funding real estate project finance, the capital stack includes several considerations, as follows:

    • Draws on construction loans for financing
    • Security and priority for various lenders in the capital stack
    • Term that matches the length of time it takes to develop and sell the project
    • Trade-offs between fixed and floating interest rate
    • Pricing around the equity

    The capital stack, which consists of all of the different types of financing that may be used, typically comprises the following:

    • Senior debt
    • Subordinated debt
    • Equity

    Senior debt is the most secured capital, while equity is the riskiest out of the three.

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    An Opportunity In The Atm Business

    Hunter: But we’re chugging along at 90% occupied, we’re just going to keep chugging along unless we’re forced to refinance or sell at that time. For whatever reason, which can happen only with that kind of debt. The other thing though is that we’re not completely blinders on when it comes to our investment thesis. It’s just that that’s the thesis and the percentages are tweaked.

    Recently we have found an opportunity in the ATM business. I am finding it very hard to compete with this type of opportunity. And so the ATM percentage of my personal portfolio as well as the opportunities we’ve made available recently is overweight to ATMs. I think in two years, ATM play will probably be gone because there’s no way it’s going to continue the way it is. And we’re going to take advantage of it.

    Darin: That’s the value of going back to the question before in terms of risks that an investor would go around you. But if you’re continually out spending your time investing in opportunities, introducing new opportunities that they see valuable, they know if they go around and they’ve just burned that relationship and they’re going to miss those other opportunities.

    Up To $20 Million In Assets

    If youve already purchased one or more real estate project and are seeing more opportunities than you can finance, then now is the time to start building your investor network so you can finance all your next deals quicker.

    Youve already got some momentum now start finding and educating prospects about what youre doing so you can build an email list of people to pitch to when youre ready to raise money for your next deal.This is what we build for private clients all the time its called the Investor Acquisition System and you can access the entire program right here so you can find prospects, and convert them into being deep pocketed, repeat investors in your deals.

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    Should Be A Good Year For Real Estate

    The housing market in 2019 has been strong but slightly softer than last year, at 5.25 million existing houses sold. On the other hand, the year 2020 is projected to surpass the last two years in housing sales. Moreover, as any real estate professional will tell you, how housing sales go, the rest of the real estate market goes.

    Fortunately, there are a lot of ways you can raise the capital you need to make a splash in the market. To this end, here are a few options:

    Prepare Development Cost Estimates

    Raising Capital For Real Estate Private Equity – Bronson Hill

    Do your research and create a detailed cost analysis of the projects youre planning for. Make sure the sale price is comparable to others sold in the local area.

    Also, prepare estimates for all the costs associated with the development of the property. Look at the material, labor, and overhead costs along with fees for permits and associated costs. Once you have your estimates, add a 10 15% buffer on top, commonly known as the contingency line item.

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    Decide Whether To Buy A Franchise Or Start From Scratch

    When starting any business, there are certain decisions that you would have to make regarding the company which might be whether to start your business from start or to buy a franchise. Regardless of the options available however, an entrepreneur can only pick what aligns with its core goals and objectives and what is likely to enable them achieve their intentions faster. While a holding company might have subsidiaries that offer franchise opportunities to other businesses, the holding company itself is not one that can fall under a franchise or to which franchise opportunities exist.

    A holding company can either be started from scratch or formed form an already existing company, whichever option you intend going for, ensure that a thorough research has been carried out and that a business plan is written for what you intend to achieve. Also, building a business structure is necessary as this will enable you achieve your goals and intentions faster.

    6. Know the Possible Threats and Challenges You Will Face

    Every entrepreneur knows the challenges that come with starting a new business and should therefore be prepared for it. Also, while some challenges and threats might be easy enough to handle, some are usually out of control and so it is imperative that the entrepreneur remains focused during these period in order not to lose sight of why the business was established in the first place.

    7. Choose the Most Suitable Legal Entity

    8. Choose a Catchy Business Name

    Real Estate Investment Firms: The Ecosystem

    While many real estate firms dont fall neatly into the buckets described below, the following is a breakdown of the various types of real estate companies:

    Types of Real Estate Firms Representative Firms
    Oaktree, Blackstone, BentallGreenOak, Starwood Capital Group
    Real Estate Investment Management Brookfield Asset Management, PGIM, Nuveen/TH Real Estate, Clarion Partners
    Real Estate Development
    Equity Residential, JBG Smith, Ventas, Prologis, Park Hotels & Resorts
    Real Estate Operating Companies Crow Holdings, The Davis Companies, Grosvenor
    Real Estate Brokerage Cushman & Wakefield, CBRE, JLL, Avison Young, Colliers, Transwestern, Marcus & Millichap

    Theres also Real Estate Lenders .

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