California Investment Adviser Registration Checklist


Requirements To Transact Business In Other States Through The De Minimis Exemption

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After registering in California, you are permitted to conduct some advisory business in other states without having to register in those states. This is restricted to just four clients or fewer in any other single state. After adding a fifth client in another state, you will have to register in that state, a process that is completed through the IARD system, and that involves payment of additional fees as required by that additional state.

Forms And Information Required To Register:

  • Investment Advisor Firm
  • Form U4 for the following individuals:
  • Each investment adviser representative
  • Each officer, director or partner exercising executive responsibility and
  • Each person who owns 10% or more of a California state registered investment advisor firm, as shown on Schedule A or B of Form ADV, not reported as an IAR or associated person.
  • With respect to passive owners, its been our general experience that the State of California presumes any owner controlling 25% or more of an ownership interest in a California state registered firm is an investment adviser representative required to register, and does not require a passive owner controlling 10% 24% of ownership interest of a California state registered firm to register as an investment adviser representative but must provide a paper Form U4 .
  • Should A Person Register With The Securities And Exchange Commission Or The State Of California

    It depends on certain statutory criteria. The SEC requires an investment adviser to register with the SEC if it has assets under management of at least $100 million or the investment adviser provides investment advice to an investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 . If the investment adviser has between $25 and $100 million of assets under management and must register with 15 or more states, the investment adviser must register with the SEC. If an investment adviser is eligible for an exemption as found under Dodd-Frank, it may also register with the SEC. If the investment adviser does not meet SEC statutory criteria, the investment adviser must be registered or licensed by a state, unless otherwise exempt.

    Generally, the SEC regulates investment adviser firms with more than $100 million in assets under management . The states regulate investment adviser firms with less than $100 million in assets under management and fee-only financial planners.

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    State Registered Advisers: Firm

    An investment adviser is generally defined as any person who receives compensation in the business of advising others as to the value of securities or as to the advisability of investments in, purchasing of, or selling of securities. Investment advisers must obtain registration in the states where they conduct business.

    No investment adviser shall engage in business from offices in this state, or render investment advice to persons of this state, unless the investment adviser is registered with the Office of Financial Regulation pursuant to Section 517.12, Florida Statutes .

    Ongoing Renewal And Update Requirements In California

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    Investment Advisor Firm:California requires the completion of an annual update to your Form ADV and the payment of an annual renewal fee. The annual renewal fee in California is $125 for the firm. No annual renewal fee is required for individuals licensed as investment advisor representatives. Registration renewals must be completed by December 31st each year, and renewal fees need to be paid for all states in which the firm is registered. Additional IARD administrative renewal fees are $100 total.

    Investment Adviser Representatives: Investment Adviser Representatives are expected to keep their Form U-4 current. As a sole proprietor you will make these updates yourself. As an employee you must alert your employing firms compliance department of amendments, which must be made within 30 days of any changes to the following:

    • Residential address

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    C Activities Requiring Registration

    1.C.1. I want to set up financial plans for my mother and for other relatives and friends who live in Dallas. May I help them without having to register as an investment adviser in Texas?

    Yes, if you receive no financial compensation for your services. The definition of investment adviser in Rule 116.1 refers to a person or company who, for compensation, provides investment advice . Accordingly, so long as you do not receive compensation for any investment advice you render from Texas or to a Texas resident, you need not register.

    1.C.2. I am an investment adviser who lives outside of Texas. One of my best clients, Mr. Jones, is moving to Texas in a few weeks. May I continue to service his account without having to register in Texas? He would be my only Texas client.

    Yes, if you do not have a place of business in Texas. See FAQ’s 1.A.9 and 1.A.10. However, a notice filing and fee is required. See Rule 116.1 and FAQ 1.A.12.

    1.C.3. I want to serve as an investment adviser to an institutional investor located in Texas. May I do so without having to register in Texas?

    Yes, if the institutional investor is one of the types of institutions listed in the Act, Section 5.H, and Rule 109.6.

    Yes, you do. Even though this friend and business partner would qualify as an individual accredited investor under SEC rules, Texas has no exemption for rendering investment advice to individual accredited investors.

    Protect Yourself And Your Investments

    Protect yourself and your investments by following these tips:

    • dont give your financial adviser power of attorney – reputable advisers wont ask you to do this
    • never sign a blank document given to you by anyone
    • if you give your adviser authority to buy and sell investments on your behalf, put a time-limit on it rather than leaving things open-ended
    • keep receipts and other documents in one place so its easier to keep track of your investments
    • never write cheques or transfer money to your advisor if the money is to be used for investments, make payment to the product provider instead
    • always double-check the account or B-Pay number and reference details for any electronic payments you make
    • if something doesnt add up, contact your adviser immediately. If the matter remains unresolved, make a formal complaint.

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    Net Capital Or Bonding Requirements

    A California registered investment advisor firm with its principal place of business in California is subject to the following minimum financial requirements if the investment advisor firm has custody of client funds or securities, has discretionary authority over client funds or securities or accept s prepayment of more than $500 per client and six or more months in advance:

  • A California registered investment advisor firm which has custody of client funds or securities must maintain at all times a minimum net worth of $35,000
  • A California registered investment advisor firm which has discretionary authority over client funds or securities but does not have custody of client funds or securities must maintain at all times a minimum net worth of $10,000 and
  • A California registered investment advisor firm which accepts prepayment of more than $500 per client and six or more months in advance must maintain at all times a positive net worth.
  • The minimum financial requirements do not apply to a California registered investment advisor firm that is also licensed as a broker-dealer under Code Section 25210.

    Beyond the minimum net capital requirements described above, please refer to the California Code of Regulations with respect to what circumstances constitute an investment advisor firm registered in California having custody of client securities or funds and any additional requirements, forms and filings required of a California registered investment advisor firm with custody.

    Uniform Application For Investment Adviser Registration :

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    Form ADV must be filed electronically with the Investment Adviser Registration Depository . To file electronically with IARD, the applicant will need to obtain, complete and return the entitlement forms. These forms may be found on the IARD web site at For further information, please visit the IARD website.

    Fees: The fee for filing an application is $125. This fee is to be paid directly to IARD in accordance with its procedures. Fees are not refundable except as provided in Government Code Sections 13140-13144. Note: The filing fee does not apply to any applicant that is also Licensed as a broker-dealer under Code Section 25210.

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    A Where An Investment Adviser Should Register

    1.A.1. How do I determine if I register as an investment adviser with the SEC or with the Texas Securities Commissioner?

    The National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996 divided the registration of investment advisers and their representatives between the SEC and the state regulators. Generally, investment advisers with $25 million or more in assets under management registered with the SEC. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act raised this threshold from $25 million to $100 million in assets under management. After July 21, 2011, new investment adviser applicants with less than $100 million under management are prohibited from registering with the SEC and must register with the appropriate state securities authorities.

    Although most other investment advisers not meeting the $100 million assets under management threshold will register with the states, exceptions exist. Certain categories of investment advisers will register with the SEC regardless of their assets under management. Also, investment advisers not required to register with the SEC because they are excluded from the definition of investment adviser in Section 202 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 are also not required to register with the states. Please note that the definition of investment adviser in Section 4.N of the Act excludes banks from the definition of investment adviser.

    1.A.2. How are assets under management defined for purposes of the threshold?

    Register Your Firm In California

    State level registrants are defined as those investment adviser firms that manage less than $100 million in client assets, while federal level registrants are defined as those that manage more than $100 million in client assets.

    The Investment Adviser Registration Depository is the electronic system used by both state level IA firms registering with the Securities Regulation Division of the California Department of Corporations, and federal level firms registering with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The following steps will detail the process for both state and federal level IA firm registration.

  • Gain access to FINRAs Web-based systems by submitting Entitlement Forms. Approval is obtained by sending a written request to:FINRA Attn: Registration and Disclosure Department 9509 Key West Avenue Rockville, MD 20850When the Entitlement Forms are approved, you will be emailed with a user ID and password that will grant you access to the Gateway. This will allow you to complete the remaining steps.
  • Set up and fund a general account through which you will pay the required registration fees. Administrative registration fees paid to the IARD system are as follows:
  • Initial registration fee of $40 if the firm will manage less than $25 million in assets
  • Initial registration fee of $150 for firms that manage between $25 million and $100 million
  • Initial registration fee of $225 if the firm will manage more than $100 million in assets under management
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    California Investment Advisor Registration Process

    Investment Advisor Registration Financial Statement Requirements:

    • RIAs must submit the California Customer Authorization of Disclosure of Financial Records PDF.
    • RIAs with discretion must submit the California Verification Form PDF, a balance sheet, the CA Minimum Financial Requirements Worksheet related to the balance sheet, and the California Customer Authorization of Disclosure of Financial Records PDF.
    • RIAs with custody must submit the California Verification Form PDF, a balance sheet, the enclosed CA Minimum Financial Requirements Worksheet related to the balance sheet, and the California Customer Authorization of Disclosure of Financial Records PDF.

    Investment Advisor Representative Registration Requirements:

    • Licensing Requirements: Series 65, Series 66 and Series 7 combined, or CFP, CFA, CIC, ChFC, PFS.
    • Each investment advisor representative must submit the form U-4 and ADV Part 2B.

    General Firm Registration Requirements

    • Payment of all State of California registration filing fees
    • FINRA Entitlement paperwork
    • In order to file a registered investment adviser application with the state of California, one must first apply to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority for an account to their WebCRD/IARD on-line system . While RIAs are in no way regulated or supervised by FINRA, the state of California uses FINRAs WebCRD/IARD system to process applications.
  • Form ADV 1
  • Form ADV 2A
  • Form ADV 2B
  • Client Advisory Contract
  • Policies and Procedures Manual
  • Privacy Policy Statement
  • State Investment Adviser Registration Information

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    All states require that investment advisers and investment adviser representatives conducting business in the state register with the states securities regulatory authority . Approximately 17,500 investment advisers are so registered. Registration standards are complex and you should consult an attorney if you have questions about whether you or your firm must register.

    Applicants for investment adviser registration must file Form ADV, Parts 1 & 2, through the Investment Adviser Registration Depository and may be required to submit additional materials . Applicants should heed the instructions for completing Form ADV and should update it over time per the forms instructions.

    An applicant for registration as an investment adviser representative must file a Form U4, which also has its own completion instructions. The Form U4 must show that the applicant has passed the required competency exams or holds an active, acceptable professional designation.

    Registration fees must be paid electronically through the IARD system.

    For your convenience, general investment adviser registration information can be found for each state at the links below. NASAA makes no representation as to the accuracy of this information readers and their counsel should consult the laws and rules of each state to determine their registration requirements. Any questions about registration requirements may be directed to each states securities regulator.

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    California Investment Advisor Firm & Investment Adviser Representative State Registration Requirements

    Similar to other states, a firm seeking to register as a state registered investment advisor in California is required to file the Form ADV Part 1 and Part 2 along with any applicable schedule or appendix through the Investment Adviser Registration Depository system and correspondingly pay in advance the registration fees via the IARD system. Additionally, a firm applying for state registration as an investment advisor in California is required to send the miscellaneous documents identified below directly to the California Department of Corporations. Here is some additional information related to an investment advisor firm registering in California.

    California Investment Adviser Registration

    • Investment counsel to a mutual fund. Also may be the manager of a mutual fund.
    • someone who advises others how to invest their money
    • A financial adviser or financial advisor , is a professional who renders financial services to individuals, businesses and governments.

    • A certificate that attests to the registering of
    • A combination of stops used when playing the organ
    • a document certifying an act of registering
    • the act of enrolling
    • the body of people who register or enroll at the same time
    • The action or process of registering or of being registered

    • A state in the western US, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean pop. 33,871,648 capital, Sacramento statehood, Sept. 9, 1850 . Formerly part of Mexico, it was ceded to the US in 1847, having briefly been an independent republic. Large numbers of settlers were attracted to California in the 19th century, esp. during the gold rushes of the 1840s it is now the most populous state
    • a state in the western United States on the Pacific the 3rd largest state known for earthquakes
    • of or relating to or characteristic of California or its inhabitants “Californian beaches”
    • In ancient Greek mythology, ambrosia is sometimes the food, sometimes the drink, of the Greek gods , often depicted as conferring ageless immortality upon whoever consumes it.

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    Policies And Procedures Manual

    The firms written Policies and Procedures manual is the guiding supervisory document that your firm will use to maintain and enforce your firms internal policies on all aspects of your business, from the handling of client complaints to the training of new IARs. It also houses your firms other policies, including but not limited to, Business Continuity Plan, Information Security Policy, Proxy Voting Policy, and Insider Trading Policy.

    Faqs For Investment Advisers And Their Representatives

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    This Q& A format is designed to provide you with responses to questions frequently addressed to Registration staff in connection with the registration or notice filings of investment advisers and their representatives. This discussion cannot address every possible scenario, so readers should consult the Texas Securities Act and Board Rules for additional information. These FAQs are not intended as legal advice. Readers are encouraged to consult an attorney.

    References to Board Rules refer to the Rules and Regulations of the Texas State Securities Board. The Rules are located at 7 Texas Administrative Code 101-139 and are accessible from this website. References to Sections refer to Sections of the Texas Securities Act , Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann., art. 581-1 et seq.

    References to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 refer to the Title 15 of the United States Code, Chapter 2D, Section 80b-1 et seq. References to SEC Rules refer to the regulations promulgated by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission located in Title 17 of the Code of Federal Regulations Chapter II, Part 275. Also available is a currently updated, but unofficial edition of the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations .

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    California Investment Adviser Registration 101

    One effect of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act , which came into effect on July 21, 2010, is expected to be an increase the number of investment advisers that are required to register with the State of California. There are two primary reasons for this. First, the Dodd-Frank Act increased the minimum amount of assets under management allowing investment advisers to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission from $25 million to $100 million. As a result, SEC registered investment advisers with a presence in California that manage more than $25 million but less than $100 million will be required to transfer their registrations from the SEC to the California Department of Corporations . Second, the Dodd-Frank Act eliminates the exemption from the SECs registration requirements for investment advisers with fewer than 15 clients. As the analogous exemption in California requires that an investment adviser qualify for the SEC exemption, the California DOC is considering whether to require smaller hedge fund managers and other investment advisers in the $25 million to $100 million range to register with the California DOC.

    Transition Period

    Form ADV

    Investment Adviser Representatives

    The additional cost and investment of time required to satisfy the FINRA examination requirements may be material to investment advisers required to register with the California DOC in 2011. They should plan accordingly.

    Minimum Net Worth Requirements


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