Online Courses On Real Estate Investing


Evaluate Your Income & Budget

Free Real Estate Investing Course

If you arent exactly sure how to get into real estate in 2022, you should evaluate your own budget and income first. At the very least, becoming a licensed agent, joining the National Association of Realtors, or starting a real estate business is capital intensive. To even start the journey aspiring real estate professionals will need a way to fund their expenses and continue paying the necessary fees.

Once licensed and practicing, it is also essential to understand your income. Real estate agents dont earn a salary. Instead, most agents are paid a commission. As a result, income is less consistent than with a traditional nine-to-five job. Commissions will vary from transaction to transaction, and budgets should reflect some flexibility.

Real Estate Investing Course Shaw Academy

The Real Estate Investing Course is designed for beginners just starting to learn the ropes of the nature of investing. Since this is an introductory course, the focus will be on the core concepts, strategies, and considerations needed for successful real estate investments.

You will begin with a module focused on how to apply some of the fundamental strategies in real estate. From here, the course will help students formulate a system that allows them to identify opportunities and minimize risks.

Eventually, learners will acquaint themselves with the no money deals, which can put many beginners on the fast track of real estate investments. Finally, the course will shift focus on risk management, which, as any seasoned investor will agree, is the cornerstone of participating in the market.

Publisher: Shaw Academy | Certification: Yes | Level: All | Modules: 4Duration: 16 weeks | Price: Subscription | User Rating: 4.6

How To Create An Empire On Airbnb Without Owning A Home Udemy

Udemys next real estate course on our list is dedicated to instilling among learners the skills and strategies that can lead them to create an empire on Airbnb without owning a single home. Theres no prior experience or special software needed. You must, however, have a property to enlist or the finances to furnish one.

Upon enrolling in the course, youll begin with learning about the core competencies needed to build a business on Airbnb. Students will learn the importance of creating sustainable systems for long-term networking, growth, and profitability.

The class also focuses on teaching learners the formulas and techniques that can help increase profit exponentially and in a short time. You will also learn how to turn a property or rent within 48 hours. Coming out of this real estate course, theres a great chance you will have learned some money-raising skills that you could apply long-term.

Instructor: Justin Kivel. Udemy | Level: AllLectures: 113 | Video: 9.5 hours | User Rating: 4.8 Price:View course. From $11.99. Sale: Up to 95% Off. Browse full category.

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Learn From A Real Estate Mentor

A real estate mentor is by no means necessary, but learning from someone who has accomplished what you hope to achieve one day is invaluable. Instead of enduring the trials and tribulations that have become synonymous with starting a career in the real estate industry, newcomers to the housing sector can simultaneously mitigate risk and expedite success with the help of a mentor.

In their simplest form, mentors are teachers willing to share their experiences with someone willing to learn. At their pinnacle, however, real estate mentors give new real estate professionals the foundation they need to get ahead and stay ahead. Learning from a successful professional who knows how to translate their experience into actionable advice is objectively more beneficial than reading a book or watching a video. While all forms of education are valuable, theres more to be gained from someone you can interact with daily.

To be clear, however, mentors are only as good as the students they teach. New real estate professionals must be receptive to learning from a mentor for the process to be worthwhile. Those who are willing and eager to learn how to get into real estate from someone thats already a professional will have an advantage over the competition.

Real Estate Investing Ed2go

Property Developer Online Course  iStudy

Ed2go works with specially designed handouts and worksheets to inform learners about the inside tips and tricks in the real estate market. The idea is to solidify your investment skills and eliminate the guesswork and risks involved. This class is designed for beginners looking for an opportunity to break into RE with little to begin.

Ed2go is offering self-paced and instructor-led courses on its platform. Upon enrolling in the course, you will learn to formulate a detailed strategy to carry out your investment plans successfully. Learners will also acquaint themselves with some of the proven methods in the industry that seasoned real-estate investors work with.

Eventually, the focus will shift to managing interest rates and alternative strategies for expanding investment options. Coming out of this real estate course, you will have a working knowledge of important investing concepts such as foreclosures, managing projects, and building a team of RE professionals.

Publisher: ed2Go | Certification: Yes | Level: All | Modules:Duration: | Price: | User Rating: 4.6

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What Youll Learn In This Commercial Real Estate Course

This online program integrates rich, interactive media such as videos, infographics, and e-learning activities as well as traditional didactic components such as written study guides . There are also opportunities for collaborative learning through discussion forums. The following modules contribute to the holistic approach your learning path takes:


Youll be welcomed with a personal call and get introduced to your online teaching and technical support network. Begin connecting with fellow participants while exploring the navigation and tools of your Online Campus.

Be alerted to key milestones in the learning path, and review how your results will be calculated and distributed.Youll be required to complete your participant profile, confirm your certificate delivery address, and submit a digital copy of your passport/identity document.


Apply financial economic concepts and toolsto real estate investments.


Analyze interactions within the real estate system, and the space market in particular.

MODULE 3MICRO LEVEL: PROPERTY VALUATION AND INVESTMENT ANALYSISEvaluate individual real estate investments using financial tools.

MODULE 4LEVERAGE, AND FINANCING THE INVESTMENTLeverage, and financing the investment.

Finding Great Investment Properties

If youre in the real estate arena, youll often hear investors talk about how they cant find any deals. Of course, this isnt trueif it was, the entire real estate market would come to a dead halt. Here are some of the best methods and techniques to find profitable properties, whether youre looking to flip a property or buy a cash-flowing rental.

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Determine Your Need For Online Real Estate Classes

If youre interested in becoming a licensed real estate agent, there are two powerful reasons to take classes online:

  • Convenience

Online real estate classes tend to cost less than in-person classes, often by hundreds of dollars this is generally true for online vs. in-person education. Youre not paying for the use of a classroom, only the digital components and the teachers time. In-person classes may require expensive textbooks, which could be replaced by inexpensive or free ebooks when learning online. Plus, youll save more money by avoiding the time and cost of traveling to and from classes.

Online classes are more convenient, tooyou can work on your lessons anywhere you have an internet connection, anytime . You can typically go at your own pace, which is good if you like to take your time or you end up flying through the material.

In general, you dont have to worry about sacrificing quality by going with an online real estate school. The Texas Real Estate Commission publishes a list of real estate schools and pass rates, and you can see that many online schools have excellent pass rates . Online schools typically offer many of the same features as in-person classes, like the ability to speak with industry experts, plus more in some cases. See the schools listed above for some high-quality options.

Best Course For Beginners: The Real Estate Financial Modeling Bootcamp

Real Estate Investing for Beginners – Online Course | Your First Rental Property


  • Lacks in-depth explanations on the Excel formulas used

This course is ideal for beginners interested in mastering the basics of real estate financial modeling. The only requirement for taking this course is having access to Microsoft Excel, a software that will be used throughout the course material.

This online course teaches its students financial modeling for different categories of real estate investing, including:

  • Multifamily real estate
  • Retail real estate
  • Commercial real estate

You will be taught how to build a real estate financial model from scratch with the help of Microsoft Excel. In addition to knowledge in real estate, this course will also teach you how to work your way around Microsoft Excel hotkeys and macros.

This real estate investing online course is compact but highly informative. The course material covers all the basic rules and tricks of real estate financial modeling in Excel and does an excellent job at teaching all the fundamentals. For beginners, this is one of the best real estate investing courses available.3.

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How To Find Great Investment Properties

Ever wonder how real estate investors actually find all the low-cost, high-profit deals they invest in?

Wouldnât it be nice to know a few of their secrets so that you can take advantage of these deals too?

You can in the real estate course âReal Estate Lead Generation: 17 Ways to Find Great Investment Propertiesâ.

There are dozens of discounted investment properties available in your area that you can either flip for profit or rent out for passive monthly income.

You just need to know how to find them.

In this course, youâll learn:

  • 17 strategies, such as Bandit Signs, Fire-Damaged Properties, Estate Sales, Pay-Per-Click Ads, Referrals from Property Managers
  • Access the top 50 MLS keywords for real estate investors to identify great deals
  • And more!

Watch the real estate course here.

Real Estate Contracts: Mastering The Purchase And Sale Agreement

Contracts are complicated.

Stacks of paper, hard to understand language, anxiety for what youâre signing your name to â¦

If you want to be a successful real estate investor, you need to know how to read the contracts.

How can you do that?

Real estate investor Deslyn OâDell teaches how to go line-by-line through the most common real estate investing contracts in the real estate course âReal Estate Contracts: Mastering the Purchase and Sale Agreementâ.

In this real estate course, youâll learn:

  • the 5 key clauses that must be included in a contract for it to be legally binding
  • How to understand the 30 sections of purchase and sale agreements
  • How to spot red flags in the contract
  • How to add additional agreements and contingencies to your contracts

If youâre ready to learn how to master a real estate contract, watch the real estate course here.

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How To Get Into Real Estate In 2022

The real estate industry has proven it can be lucrative for those who simultaneously work hard and mind due diligence. From real estate investors and mortgage brokers to real estate investment trusts and landlords, there are several ways for entrepreneurs to take advantage of the worlds largest asset class. Despite the many paths awarded to aspiring real estate professionals, one seems to occupy more mindshare than its counterparts: Realtors and real estate agents. With the average real estate agent salary in the United States reaching upwards of $104,451 and the barrier to entry set relatively low, getting into real estate may be a wise move when several macroeconomic headwinds are threatening to slow the economy. If for nothing else, learning how to get into real estate in 2022 may help insulate more people from what many economists are calling an impending recession.

In the event you want to learn how to get into real estate in 2022, there are several steps youll need to take, not the least of which include:

  • Acquire A Real Estate License

  • Work With A Real Estate Broker

  • Join The National Association of Realtors

  • Evaluate Your Income & Budget

  • Learn From A Real Estate Mentor

  • Maintain Your Real Estate Network

  • Further Develop Your Skills

  • Who Is This For

    Is a Career in Real Estate Right For You?

    An advanced, executive level course that dives deeper into the mathematical and financial aspects of real estate investment. Best suited for business leaders, real estate investors, analysts, valuators, commercial real estate bankers, investment portfolio managers etc. This is a finance-heavy course so having a basic understanding of financial concepts and Excel modeling is a must.

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    Signing Up For An Online Real Estate School

    Signing up for an online real estate school is easy. Register a new account, providing your personal details and email address. Then youll be able to select the course you want and submit payment information.

    After that, simply follow the instructions on the website, which will be unique to each school. Youll likely have access to course materials through an online dashboard, and certain resources may be sent by email as well.

    Create A Marketing Strategy

    Understanding how to get into real estate requires professionals in the housing sector to wear many hats. Of the many skills needed to get into real estate, marketing is perhaps one of the most important. Therefore, new real estate professionals must design and implement a sound marketing strategy if they hope to remain in the field for any prolonged period. If for nothing else, a strong marketing funnel will contribute to consistent business opportunities for the duration of ones career.

  • Identify a target audience and the best way to reach it

  • Craft a message that will be receptive to the target audience

  • Review what the competition is doing and compare it to your own marketing plan

  • find out what sets you apart from the completion and use it to your advantage

  • Come up with a budget to set your marketing plan in motion

  • With the budget in mind, determine the mode of distribution

  • Set milestones to keep track of progress

  • Create a timeline to stay on schedule

  • Track metrics to see where improvements can be made

  • Always remain open to changing a strategy and iterate accordingly

  • Don’t Miss: Selling Investment Property At A Loss

    Introduction To Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook For Becoming A Principled And Persuasive Negotiator

    Offered by Yale University via Coursera

    Negotiation is one of the primary skills real estate professionals need to be successful in the business. But not everyone is born with this ability. For many, it takes practice to be an accomplished negotiator, and thats where this course shines.

    This is a comprehensive offering that takes around 32 hours to complete. Its taught by Barry Nalebuff, a top-rate instructor on Coursera, and Professor from the Yale School of Management. If taking a course from an Ivy League university has never been in the cards for you, buckle up, because it is now. Best of all, although you wont get certified with the free version of this online real estate class, you can audit it at no charge and have access to the same great content you would get in the classroom.

    The course is broken into nine segments and designed for students to complete a component a week. Themes include:

    The theory of the pie

    Negotiation caselets

    Guest Speaker: Professor Linda Babcock, a world-renowned expert on negotiation

    Guest Speaker: Negotiation sensei and author Herb Cohen

    Guest Speaker: John McCall MacBain: The Consummate Dealmaker

    Cost: Free

    Certificate: Yes, with a fee

    Time to Complete: 32 hours

    Curriculum: Introductory to Intermediate

    97 percent positive reviews by former students

    Financial aid available for those who need certification and cant afford it

    Flexible deadlines so you can complete the course at your own pace


    Real Estate Economics And Finance London School Of Economics Lse

    Rice Business Real Estate Investment & Development | Online Course Trailer

    LSE offers this self-paced real estate course that can be completed in 8 weeks. It is designed for anyone interested in property management, investment, and property development. Professionals from a range of different backgrounds can apply for this course. Students are not required to have any prior knowledge regarding real estate.

    Upon enrolling in the course, you will learn how to critically evaluate property investment options and make decisions that are informed by sound economic and financial theories. The London School of Economics faculty will guide students on how to explore the urban real estate market. Learn to use various techniques to evaluate a property, and the valuations and portfolio considerations needed to make informed decisions.

    Students will come out of the course with key takeaways related to some rigorous economic perspectives in real estate as well as a holistic overview of the market. This is also one of the best real estate courses online for investors who want to learn and use a theoretical framework for pragmatic real estate decision-making.

    Subject: Business, Finance | Duration: 8 weeks | Certificate: CPD Certified.Level: Investors | Pace: Instructor-lead | Price: $2,990Info:Visit course website. Get free prospectus. Browse all courses on GetSmarter.

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    Intro To Analyzing Rental Income Property Udemy

    The next real estate course focuses on rental income properties, but you will also pick up some generic investment analysis skills. This course is designed for beginner investors with no prior experience or special software other than Microsoft Excel 2013+.

    Upon enrolling in the course, students will familiarize themselves with all the key metrics involved when evaluating rental income properties. You will learn about the entire investment process, the measures of return, the impact of debt on returns, investment considerations, and key strategies.

    Coming out of the course, you will have developed an understanding of core concepts in RE, accurately evaluate the investment opportunities, and use professional-grade investment models to evaluate ones own flip and rental deals.

    Instructor: Justin Kivel. Udemy | Level: AllLectures: 113 | Video: 9.5 hours | User Rating: 4.8 Price:View course. From $11.99. Sale: Up to 95% Off. Browse full category.


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