Person Who Invests Your Money


Main Asset Classes For Investment: Stocks Bonds Real Estate

How To Get Someone To Invest Their Money In Your Business

Anthony Battle is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professional. He earned the Chartered Financial Consultant® designation for advanced financial planning, the Chartered Life Underwriter® designation for advanced insurance specialization, the Accredited Financial Counselor® for Financial Counseling and both the Retirement Income Certified Professional®, and Certified Retirement Counselor designations for advance retirement planning.

In most cases, the best way to begin investing is to decide which asset classes you want to own. There are three to choose from: real estate, stocks, and fixed income . Each has its own risks, opportunities, and tax rules. While building a complete portfolio might seem complex, the dividends, interest, and rents can be worth it.

You will tend to lean toward asset classes based on what you know and need at that time. When your life changes and as you age, your needs change. You’ll go from needing growth to needing a stable income. Different types of assets can meet these changing needs.

Learn about the three classes to help you decide how to begin investing and saving.

Real Estate Investment Trust

A Real Estate Investment Trust, or REIT, is similar to a mutual fund in that it takes the funds of many investors and invests them in a collection of income-generating real estate properties.

Plus, REITs can be bought and sold like stocks on the stock market so they can be cheaper and easier to invest in than property.

Without having to buy, manage, or finance any properties yourself, investing in a REIT reduces the barriers of entry common to property real estate investment.

Key Takeaway: You dont need a lot of money and you dont need to worry about maintaining the properties. While you wont make as much money from property appreciation, you can receive a steady income from REITs.

Give Your Money A Goal

Figuring out how to invest money starts with determining your investing goals, when you need or want to achieve them and your comfort level with risk for each goal.

  • Long-term goals: The universal goal is often retirement, but you may have others as well: Do you want a down payment on a house or college tuition? To purchase your dream vacation home or go on an anniversary trip in 10 years?

  • Short-term goals: This is next year’s vacation, a house you want to buy next year, an emergency fund or your Christmas piggy bank.

In this post, we’re largely focusing on long-term goals. We’ll also touch on how to invest with no specific goal in mind. After all, the aim to grow your money is a fine goal by itself.

Money for short-term goals generally shouldn’t be invested at all. If you need the money you’re saving in under five years, check out our recommendations for how to invest money for short-term goals.

» Curious about buying stocks? Learn how to invest in the stock market.

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Decide How Much Help You Want

Once you know your goals, you can dive into the specifics about how to invest . But if the DIY route doesn’t sound like it’ll be your cup of tea, no worries.

Many savers prefer having someone invest their money for them. And while that used to be a pricey proposition, nowadays it’s quite affordable cheap, even! to hire professional help thanks to the advent of automated portfolio management services a.k.a. robo-advisors.

These online advisors use computer algorithms and advanced software to build and manage a clients investment portfolio, offering everything from automatic rebalancing to tax optimization and even access to human help when you need it.

» Need help investing? Learn about robo-advisors

If you’d rather do it yourself, let’s continue.

of free management with a qualifying deposit

Why Invest Your Money

Spreading Investment Makes Perfect Sense

Whether you’re saving for retirement, a house, education or just saving for the future, investing may help your money grow. If you keep your money in a savings account, it may not earn enough interest to keep up with inflation over time.

Knowing some investing basics helps to lay the groundwork so you can set your financial goals and decide what types of investments may help you reach them.

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Us Savings Bonds & Corporate Bonds

When you purchase any kind of bond, you are loaning money to the entity you purchase it from for a predetermined amount of time and interest.

Bonds are considered safe and low risk because the only chance of not getting your money back is if the issuer defaults. U.S. saving bonds are bonds backed by the U.S. government, which makes them almost risk-free.

Governments issue bonds to raise money for projects and operations, and the same is true for corporations who issue bonds.

Corporate bonds are slightly more risky than government bonds because theres more risk of a corporation defaulting on the loan. Unlike when you invest in a corporation by purchasing its stock, purchasing a corporate bond does not give you any ownership in that company.

An important note to remember is that a bond may only net you a 3% return on your money over multiple years. This means that when you take your money out of the bond, youll actually have less buying power than when you put it in because the rate of growth didnt even keep up with the rate of inflation.

Key Takeaway: There is nothing safe about running out of money in retirement because your rates of return couldnt keep up with inflation while you were trying to grow and protect your money. Its not worth it to put your money in bonds.

Investment Terms Everyone Should Know

The Balance

If you are a new investor, you are likely to encounter terms that you do not understand. It may seem overwhelming at first, but once you become familiar with them, you will realize there is no reason to be intimidated. This is an introduction to some of the more common investing terms you may encounter.

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How To Open A Blackrock Account

  • Select the appropriate application to open your BlackRock account, such as opening an investment account. If you dont see the form or application you need, please contact us.
  • Complete your application, review it with your financial professional, and send your check and application to us at the address on the application. Once we establish your account, well send you a confirmation statement detailing your account number and confirming your investments with us.

How To Choose The Best Investment Company For You

How To Invest Your Money In 2020 (By Age)

There are numerous factors to consider when picking the investment firm youll use to manage your portfolio. Rather than suffering from paralysis by analysis, do what Clark does: prioritize the fees. Heres an idea of the fees youll pay depending on how you choose to invest.

Self-Directed: Look for a target date fund or a mix of index funds with an expense ratio of 0.10% or better. Theres also no need to pay a commission to trade stocks or ETFs in 2021.

Robo-Advisor: There are plenty of good robo-advisors that charge annual fees of 0.25% or less. If youre going to use a robo-advisor that charges more, make sure youre getting additional features. For example, Vanguards Personal Advisor Services charges 0.30% but gives you unlimited access to a Certified Financial Planner .

Financial Advisor: Most reputable sources cite an industry benchmark of 1% annually. It can be harder to pinpoint a good fee level for a financial advisor. First make sure that the person youre considering is a CFP and therefore has a fiduciary duty to act in your best interests.

Beyond fees, here are some other things you may want to consider:

  • Asset classes available
  • Account types
  • Ease of use
  • Research tools and data
  • Customer service

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Start Investing Early Keep Investing Regularly

Successful investors typically build wealth systematically through regular investments, such as payroll deductions at work or automatic deductions from a checking or savings account, says Jess Emery, a spokesperson for Vanguard Funds.

Regularly investing helps you take advantage of natural market fluctuations. When you invest a consistent amount over time, you buy fewer shares when prices are high and more shares when prices are low. Over time, this may help you pay less on average per share, a principle known as dollar-cost averaging. And unlikely to work if you are unwilling to continue investing during a downturn in the markets, says Emery.

You also should remember that no investment is guaranteed, but calculated risks can pay off.

Over the last 30 years, an investment in the S& P 500 would have achieved a 10% annualized return, says Sandi Bragar, managing director at wealth management firm Aspiriant. Missing the 25 best single days during that period would have resulted in only a 5% annualized return. That a reminder not to sell your investments in a panic when the market goes down. Its incredibly hard to predict when stock values will increase again, and some of the biggest days of stock market gains have followed days of large losses.

Things Wealthy People Invest Their Money Into

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I never had access to money during my childhood, or even as I grew into a teenager and young adult. Both of my parents lived paycheck-to-paycheck and struggled with debt, so thats really all I knew.

As a result, I was never really exposed to the investing world, nor did I learn to think of entrepreneurship as a viable career option. My parents were busy trying to keep the lights on and food on the table the thought of having extra money to invest and build wealth would have been completely foreign to them.

Eventually though, I got my first introduction to the concepts behind investing and building wealth. I majored in finance in college, learned about mutual funds and ETFs, and found out how the stock market really works.

As I began my career as a financial advisor and transitioned to entrepreneurship, I was always looking for ways to increase my base of knowledge. I read books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Crush It: Why NOW is the Time to Cash In On Your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuk. However, books like these didnt teach me how to invest my money. Instead, they taught me how to invest in myself and my personal growth.

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Building wealth is just as much about becoming the best version of yourself, staying in constant learning mode, and building a network of like-minded people who can help you reach your goals.

Accelerated Learning

Personal Coaching


The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman

Jeff Rose

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What Will Make You The Most Money

Wise investors know not to blindly put all their eggs in one basket. Instead, they become familiar with a few types of investments and use their knowledge of each to make money in different ways.

When it comes to investing, there are a lot of baskets to choose from.BUT, its important to understand all your options before you actually invest your money and start to build your portfolio.

Every type of investment has its upside and downside. The best types of investments to make depend on your risk tolerance, level of understanding of certain markets, timeline to avoid capital gains, and reasons for investing in the first place.

Among the different types of investments out there, there are probably a few that will work well for you so lets get into it.

Chapter Guide

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    If you’re talking about your investing strategiesand showing signs of successyou’re likely the go-to person among your friends when it comes to financial questions. Meaning, if you’re financial savvy, people who know you might view you as a very valuable commoditya potential free money manager.

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    What Makes A Good Investment

    In its most basic form, the overarching aim of making an investment is to increase the value of your wealth. At an absolute minimum, this would need to grow at a faster rate than that of inflation.

    With the interest rates offered by banks now at record lows, keeping your funds in a basic savings account is no longer viable. In fact, the real-world value of your money will decline.

    For example, if you held $10,000 in a basic savings account that paid an annual interest rate of 1%, then your original $10,000 would be worth $10,100 at the end of the year.

    However, what if inflation grew by 3% in the same period? Essentially, although your $10,000 would be worth 1% more, when you factor in the 3% inflation rate, youre effectively 2% worse off!

    As such, when asking yourself what is the best investment, it needs to be a financial instrument that not only protects your wealth, but helps it to grow.

    On top of this, the best investments also ensure that risk levels are kept to an absolute minimum, with respect to the amount of growth that is expected.

    In the financial world this is known the Risk vs Reward model, and essentially means that the more risk an investor takes, the more profits they should be rewarded with. Otherwise, there would be no point in increasing the underlying risk.

    So now that you know what makes a good investment, in the next part of our guide we are going to discuss 15 of the best investments for 2021 and beyond.

    Work With Registered Firms And Individuals

    A vital step in selecting an investment professional is to check to see if the person and his or her firm are registered.

    There are many types of investment professionals. But when it comes to buying and selling stocks, bonds and other securities products, only individuals and firms registered with FINRA , the Securities and Exchange Commission , and in those states where required by law, can do so.

    Check out each person on FINRA BrokerCheck. Its a free online tool that helps investors research the backgrounds of brokers and brokerage firms. BrokerCheck also searches the SECs Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website, which contains information about investment adviser representatives and investment adviser firms.

    BrokerCheck can tell you if an individual or firm is registered. It provides an overview of an individuals work history, as well as the firms history. BrokerCheck also provides other important information such as regulatory actions, criminal convictions and customer complaints involving the investment professional.

    Using BrokerCheck is easy. Go to or call 289-9999.

    Its a good idea to also consult your state securities regulator, especially if an individual or firm is not found in BrokerCheck. Youll find a list of state regulators our website.

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    Your Risk Tolerance How Much Financial Risk Are You Willing To Take

    Not all investments are successful. Each type of investment has its own level of risk — but this risk is often correlated with returns. Its important to find a balance between maximizing the returns on your money and finding a risk level you are comfortable with. For example, bonds offer predictable returns with very low risk, but they also yield relatively low returns of around 2-3%. By contrast, stock returns can vary widely depending on the company and time frame, but the whole stock market on average returns almost 10% per year.

    Even within the broad categories of stocks and bonds, there can be huge differences in risk. For example, a Treasury bond or AAA-rated corporate bond is a very low -risk investment, but these will likely have relatively low interest rates. Savings accounts represent an even lower risk, but offer a lower reward. On the other hand, a high-yield bond can produce greater income but will come with a greater risk of default. In the world of stocks, the difference in risk between blue-chip stocks like Apple and penny stocks is enormous.

    One good solution for beginners is using a robo-advisor to formulate an investment plan that meets your risk tolerance and financial goals. In a nutshell, a robo-advisor is a service offered by a brokerage that will construct and maintain a portfolio of stock- and bond-based index funds designed to maximize your return potential while keeping your risk level appropriate for your needs.

    In this video, we cover:

    Determine How Much Help You Want

    How To Actually Invest Your Money

    When you invest, you can choose to receive help in a number of ways. Many people dont want to take the time to learn how to invest on their own, so they entrust their money to a financial advisor or a mutual fund manager.

    The downside to both of these options is that they will charge you a fee based on a percentage of your overall investment to manage those funds.

    For a slightly lower fee, you could opt to use a robo-advisor. A robo-advisor manages your money robotically using a computer algorithm. This type of management has gained popularity because it is less expensive than paying a financial advisor but still allows you to be hands-off.

    However, the robotic algorithm chooses investments based on the Modern Portfolio Theory , which wont allow your investments to produce great returns or even beat the market in the long-term.

    The last option may take longer but also produces the best results. You can learn this stuff on your own and Do-It-Yourself. This is the option I recommend.

    It can be tempting for beginner investors to want to reach out to a professional because there are a lot of investing myths that purposely discourage people from thinking they can do it themselves.

    But I want to encourage you: you CAN absolutely learn to invest on your own.

    Ill prepare you in this post with a solid foundation to move forward and make smart investing decisionswithout the help of a financial advisor, robo or not.

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