Investing In Real Estate Without Being A Landlord


Real Estate Investing Requires A Lot Of Cash

How to Invest in Real Estate Without Being a Landlord

To buy an investment property you typically need a down payment equal to at least 20% of the purchase price of the property. So even if you were lucky enough to find an investment property for $100,000 you would still need $20,000 upfront plus more money to cover the lawyer fees and other closing costs.

Then you need to get an $80,000 mortgage and start making monthly payments. You will also want to have a good pot of money set aside to cover things like

  • general maintenance,
  • The possibility of the furnace or AC dying
  • Tenants not paying their rent
  • Time in between new tenants when the property is vacant
  • Property taxes
  • Homeowner Association or condo fees
  • Property manager fees

There is no way around it, if you want to invest in Real Estate you need a lot of cash.

Or do you?

More Ideas To Buy A Rental Property With No Money Down

Have you thought about using your retirement accounts to buy rental properties? What about crowdfunding websites?

Theres a fine line to walk, between getting creative with financing options in order to purchase a rental property with no money down versus over-leveraging yourself. When in doubt, save the money for a down payment rather than borrowing it. That goes doubly as you learn how to buy your first rental property, and your next few for that matter.

Take our free mini-course on reaching financial independence with rental properties for more ideas for where to come up with money for your down payment.

If youre willing to get a little creative, youll be amazed at how little cash you actually need to buy your first rental property!

What tactics have you used to buy rental properties with no money down? Whats worked for you? What hasnt? Share your experiences below!

Want To Invest In Real Estate Without Being A Landlord Reits May Be Your Solution

While homeownership may be the ideal form of real estate investment for many Canadians, you dont actually need to own a home to reap the benefits of the countrys scorching property market.

One option, which allows you to generate returns from multiple properties without owning a single one yourself, is investing in a real estate investment trust, or REIT.

Maybe youve seen the term, but if youre unclear about what a REIT is or how it operates, heres what you need to know.

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Here’s Howfrom Buying Rental Property To Reits And More

Buying and owning real estate is an investment strategy that can be both satisfying and lucrative. Unlike stock and bond investors, prospective real estate owners can use leverage to buy a property by paying a portion of the total cost upfront, then paying off the balance, plus interest, over time.

Though a traditional mortgage generally requires a 20% to 25% down payment, in some cases, a 5% down payment is all it takes to purchase an entire property. This ability to control the asset the moment papers are signed emboldens both real estate flippers and landlords, who can, in turn, take out second mortgages on their homes in order to make down payments on additional properties. Here are five key ways investors can make money on real estate.

Advertise Your Space And Choose Tenants

Investing in real estate without being a landlord

Once youve secured your home loan and your property is ready to go to market, its time to start advertising. Youll want to use real estate database websites like and local online marketplaces like Craigslist to advertise your space. Be sure to offer interested parties a clear way to contact you or apply for the space.

When you receive applications, you should carefully consider each candidate. Its best to be picky about your tenants and wait for a few applications to roll in before you decide. Some states have very strong tenants rights laws, so youll want to be 100% sure about who you rent to.

As a landlord, you have wide discretion about who to rent to, but you must comply with the Fair Housing Acts prohibition against discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender or other specified characteristics.

Lets look at some common, legal ways to evaluate tenants.

Run Credit Checks

Run a credit check on each tenant who applies for your space. If you see an eviction or many missed loan payments on their record, it might signal that they may have trouble paying their bills on time.

Contact Previous Landlords

You should ask your tenant applicants for references from previous landlords. If the applicant has never rented an apartment before, you may want to ask for a reference from an employer or teacher.

Verify Income Information

Get A Signed Lease Agreement

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The Biggest Challenges For Landlords

Start-Up Costs. Buying real estate is just the first step in becoming a landlord. Renovations can be just as expensive as the initial cost. Before you purchase a property, estimate how much you’re willing to invest in repairs. Newer properties are typically more costly, but they’ll have newer amenities. Older properties may be cheaper, but they will likely require more renovations to keep them up to date.Maintenance Costs. Along with initial renovations, you’ll have to make ongoing repairs to your property. There will be:

  • Roof leaks.
  • Water damage.
  • Safety code requirements.

These problems can take a bite out of your rental check, so it is, therefore, advisable to contribute some of the money to an emergency fund for unexpected repairs.Tenant Issues. Tenants can be a significant challenge for landlords. If tenants don’t pay their rent on time, or at all, that is money you lose. You also face:

  • Noise complaints
  • Other rule violations.

These could lower the value of your property or even force you into expensive legal situations. If they violate your contract, you may have to get a collection agency and lawyers involved to recover your income.

Invest In The Metaverse

The metaverse is not just the creation of sci-fi books and movies like Ready Player One. This 3D virtual world is here and were already living in it or at least our avatars are. Whats more? You can invest in land there, and you can build whatever youd like because here were dealing with screen pixels, not square footage.

The metaverse could very well become the first step on the property ladder, says Kristi Waterworth, who writes about metaverse real estate investing for finance site The Motley Fool. Thats good news for those who currently find themselves priced out of the real real estate world. Of course, land in the form of a non-fungible token might not exactly warm your heart, but there are ways of renting said land to make real money in the form of cryptocurrency, another investment opportunity. and The Sandbox are two of the more popular virtual gaming platforms in which to do this.

The metaverse is all very speculative stuff, and youll have to have some risk tolerance to get in on it though to be fair, any type of investing involves risk. Still, the global bank Citi has projected that the metaverse economy could be worth $13 trillion by 2030. The takeaway? Buy now and plan to hold onto those pixels for a while.

Waterworth does have one note of caution: Its tempting to get in on a brand-new metaverse platform with the hopes of being the first, but it might not pay off.

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Buy A Foreclosed Property

Foreclosure is a process where a home becomes bank-owned after the mortgage holder defaults on payments or misses deadlines for making payments. These properties often sell for a lot cheaper than other homes in the area, so they are great deals when looking for homes in good neighborhoods with low-interest rates.

Related fact: The latest statistics show that nationwide 0.05% of all housing units had a foreclosure filing in the first half of 2021. States with the highest foreclosure rates in the first half of this year were Delaware , Illinois , Florida , Ohio , and Indiana .

âFor this reason, foreclosed properties are an exciting investment opportunity for anyone who wants to be a landlord with a minimal budget.

Although this option usually requires an upfront deposit, it is possible in some cases to buy a foreclosed home with no money down using an FHA loan.

So, if you are looking for the answer to ‘How to become a landlord with little money,’ buying a foreclosed property is the one. Individuals who buy foreclosed properties usually gain an attractive return on their investment since they are typically sold at auctions or through foreclosure proceedings by lending institutions.

In most county foreclosure auctions, you need to pay a certain percentage of the purchase price as a deposit. It varies by municipality, but it generally falls between 5% and 10%.

How To Become A Landlord With Little To No Money

How To Invest In Real Estate Without Being a Landlord

One of the most challenging parts of becoming a landlord is investing the initial amount of money. This reason stops many people from venturing into the real estate world, despite many other landlords’ success.

However, becoming a landlord without any start-up capital is not an unattainable goal. We’ve gathered the most effective ways you can do this and listed the pros and cons of each option.

We will provide you with insights and give you some options to become a landlord with little to no money.

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Invest In Real Estate Investment Trusts

If you’re interested in real estate investments but don’t want the hassle of being a landlord, consider investing in a REIT instead. REITs are companies that invest in properties and manage them for their shareholders.

With a real estate investment trust, you can take the risk of buying and selling real estate and passively enjoy steady returns over time. REITs allow real estate investors to take advantage of the growth potential in the real estate market while still enjoying the security of knowing that they are not personally liable for any losses that may occur.

REITs are registered investment companies that invest income-generating real estate such as malls, hotels, office buildings, and residential properties. Some of the common types of REITs include retail, mortgage, residential, healthcare, and office REITs.

There are many platforms to help you start investing in REITs. For example, DiversifyFund is one of the best platforms to invest in growth REITs.

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Online Real Estate Investment Opportunities

Online investment sites, like Peerstreet and Fundrise, let you get in on the fun without ever having to leave your home.


Fundrise is a great place to get started in investing in real estate because its cheap and simple.

Fundrise acts like a crowd-sourced real estate investing. You pool your money with others to buy portions of individual properties. These properties are spread across different asset classes such as:

  • Single-family units
  • Multi-family units

You can easily diversify your holdings and everyone shares in the returns. All you need is $500 to get started.


Peerstreet members can only invest in real estate backed loans, not the actual properties. This means youre investing in other peoples debt and you can do so for as little as $1,000 per loan.

However, you must be an accredited investor to sign up.

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Hiring A Property Management Company

Some people prefer to own their own real estate property without a bunch of other investors. Thankfully, those who dont wish to become a landlord still have the option of hiring a property management company to help them.

Hiring a property management company is a great way to enjoy the benefits of being a landlord without any of the hassles.

Property Management Companies Handle Everything For You

For a percentage of your total rent collections, a property manager or property management company will help you with the following tasks:

  • Find and screen tenants
  • Handle all repairs and maintenance
  • Manage tenant complaints
  • Deal with evictions

Make sure you have enough cash on hand to make a down payment and deal with any necessary initial repairs before you start renting your property.

Buying A Rental Property With No Money Down

Investing In Real Estate Without Being A Landlord

If youve ever wondered Can I buy a rental property with no money down? youre far from alone. Every real estate investor has asked the same question at one point or another.

Here are ten ideas for how to buy a rental property with no money down. Or at least less money down theres no free lunch in life, but you have several options to slim or even eliminate the down payment you need to buy your first rental property.

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How To Invest In Passive Income Real Estate

Passive income can be a great way to supplement your current income and help you create financial streams to help secure your retirement years. One of the most popular ways to generate real estate passive income is through rental properties. Investors who play their cards right can create a steady revenue from rental income, while they also have the option to make improvements to the property and build equity.

There is a common misperception that passive income real estate investing requires little to no work. However, those interested in creating passive income with real estate should take an active role in what should be treated like a business. Whether it be searching through properties, screening tenants, hiring a property manager, or addressing repairs, owning passive income properties does require a certain level of involvement. This especially rings true for those who wish to maximize their profits.

Can I Invest In Real Estate Without Being A Landlord

While owning rentals is perhaps the best passive source of cash flow, it comes with its own set of headaches. What other options are there?

There are a lot of different ways to invest in real estate. One of the most common is becoming a landlord and using that steady monthly income to invest in more properties. But being a landlord is a tough job that doesnt suit everyone, especially those who want to be more passive with their income streams. What if you dont want to deal with the hassle of tenants or dont have the money to buy a property outright? Can you still invest in real estate without being a landlord?

Yes, you can! You can invest in real estate through a number of different methods, such as buying a property outright as a fix & flip, investing in REITs, or wholesaling real estate contracts.

So lets get into these methods and talk about the pros and cons of each. Plus, Ill give you a few tips for how each technique can succeed without investing too much time or energy.


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Home Equity Line Of Credit

The HELOC is a loan that allows homeowners to borrow money against their home’s equity – the value of their home minus what they owe on the Mortgage. Landlords can use this financing in two different ways:

First, landlords might purchase or refinance a property with the HELOC funds and then rent it out. They can then use the remaining HELOC money as an emergency fund for repairs or other expenses.

Second, landlords could use the HELOC to pay ongoing expenses such as mortgage payments, taxes, insurance, and utilities without worrying about cash flow. This helps landlords avoid taking out a second mortgage which would incur additional interest charges.

One of the great things about a HELOC is that landlords can borrow as much money as they want, and they will receive a set time frame to pay it back. This is a perfect way to invest in a property that needs work because you only need to borrow what is necessary for work on the property and not its total value.

The interest rates are usually pretty low, so this is also good if you want to purchase something with an opportunity for appreciation but don’t have all the cash right now.

  • Pros – This option can provide a steady source of income, and it can allow you to buy a property without having to take out a loan or Mortgage. The HELOC loan also covers the initial costs for renovations. It can help you buy property in an area that is not yet crowded and has high growth prospects in the future.

The Scott Mcgillivray Real Estate Fund

How to Invest in Real Estate Syndications

Interested in passive real estate investing? The Scott McGillivray Real Estate Fund is the first time Ive been able to give people an exclusive opportunity to invest passively alongside me in a portfolio of residential development projects in key growth areas in Ontario. Each project and portfolio investment is strategically selected by me and a qualified team of real estate professionals to offer investors an attractive return.

Want to learn more? and someone from my team will be in touch.

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How To Invest In Real Estate Withing Being A Landlord And With Less Than $100

Yes, it is possible to invest in Real Estate without owning physical Real Estate. You can invest in what is called a Real Estate Investment Trust

REITs are companies that professionally invest in Real Estate. REITs invest in a variety of Real Estate projects that most regular people would not have the capital to invest in such as:

  • Large apartment complexes
  • Shopping malls
  • Industrial buildings

Investors can purchase shares in REITs the same way you would purchase a share of Amazon, through the stock exchange. Like stocks, REITs have seen incredible returns over the past ten years. Since the market bottomed out in 2009, Vanguards Real Estate ETF is up nearly 300% as I write these words.

The one big advantage that REITs have over traditional stocks is the massive amount of cash they pay out to their shareholders through monthly or quarterly dividends. REITs are required by law to payout 90% of their taxable income in the form of shareholder dividends each year.

So the way you make money with REITs is as simple as Real Estate Itself. REITs buy Real Estate, they charge tenants rent, they pay that rent back to investors through dividends. Some REITs can have yields over 10%. Meaning if you invested $100, you would get back $10 per year in dividends.

For less than $100 you can buy a REIT and legitimately tell people you invest in Real Estate without having to be a landlord.


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