Best Countries To Invest In Real Estate In Africa


Real Estate Investors In Africa

Top 10 African Countries to Invest In REAL ESTATE

Do you want to meet Real Estate Investors, or to know how to promote your Real Estate project to Investors, or are you a Real Estate Investors looking for projects in Africa? .If so you are in luck. Our expertise is in Africa, we have massive experience in financing Africa real estate companies and matching real estate investors in Africa to property projects in Africa. Have a look around our website, we run Africas major investment event and our focus is on connecting investors in Africa and companies seeking capital in Africa ! Or Contact Us for more information.

So first things firstwe have built up probably the largest network of investors in Africa and can help you

Do you Want to Raise Money for your African Real Estate Project? Are you a Real Estate Investor looking for projects?

We have THREE optionsand great news.only option 2 actually costs you anything, option 1 and 3 are completely free of charge. Choose one of more option no problem.

  • Join the top real estate investors at AFSIC Investing in Africa which has become one of the most important conduits of investment into Africa. It is a highly focused investment event matching Africas most important investors with Africas most exciting investment opportunities.
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  • Join us and become part of Africas most exciting investment community. We wish you good luck in raising or investing your capital.

    Which Countries Are The Best Opportunity For Real Estate Investment And Capital Appreciation

    In 2018, the International Investor Survey announced the top five countries providing the best opportunity for capital appreciation. These were:


    With 58% of respondents votes, the US remains the country considered the most stable for real estate investment. Germany again took second place with 20% of the votes, and Canada remained in third place with 12%. The UK moved into fourth from fifth, while Australia fell from fourth to fifth.

    Top Emerging Countries for real estate investment

    AFIRE also provided an overview of best emerging markets for investors. Brazil regained its foothold as the number one emerging market, moving up from third place to replace China, which fell to second place. India moved into third place from fourth, Mexico fell from second place to a tie for third with India, and Colombia entered the list of top five emerging markets in fifth place.

    Here is the ranking of best emerging countries for real estate investment:


    Costa Ricas Southern Zone

    The Southern Zones wild biodiversity makes it an adventure and nature lovers paradise

    Costa Rica is well-known for its tourismand its stunning environment. As it should be. Its worked hard for decades to position itself as one of the top countries in Central America for overseas visitors. And for its efforts, its been well rewarded.

    Tourism was one of the drivers that led to a major Path of Progress that rolled through much of the country in the 1980s and 1990s. Investment in infrastructure made previously unreachable beach towns easier to get to. Vacationers camefollowed by people in search of second homes and vacation rental properties.

    Theres a lot to appeal to those who visit: Clear-blue skies and long, unspoiled beaches. Surfing and adventure sports. An abundance of natural parks. Wildlife and tropical flowers all around. And some of the friendliest, most relaxed people in the world.

    Today, the countrys tourism industry is well developed. Costa Rica counts more than one tourist for every two locals. Its a big part of the countrys income.

    For the most part, as tourism numbers have risen, so too have real estate prices. When it comes to profiting from real estate, you have to dig deep to find the opportunity. But do it rightbuy in the right place in Costa Rica at the right timeand you could make a killing.

    Where well make a killing is in the countrys Southern Zone.

    Im working on similar deals for RETA members in the near future.

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    Should You Worry About Low Inflation When Buying Property Abroad

    Some investors ask about the lack of inflation and whether it still matters. Because of inflation, investments are usually protected.Today, however, we dont have inflation or, if we do, its a mere few percent. When investors ask if it stills matters, the answer is yes.

    Inflation in the Euro area is currently at 4.1% as of October 2021, and is not expected to soar substantially in the coming years. If, for one reason or another, inflation were to recover further, real estate investors could benefit. Because, besides a potential rise in the value of their investments, rental contracts are generally indexed and reviewed upwards on a regular basis, as in the UK.

    Tax And Regulatory Environment

    Buying Real Estate Abroad as an Investment

    Participants of the International Investor Survey also showed tax and regulatory environment concerns for real estate investment in 2021.

    The main risks of this category include less certainty around municipal requirements for development, lack of knowledge and lack of transparency on local governance and real estate markets.

    In addition to this worry, there were also mentioned concerns for multifamily property, political risk at the state and local level, additional regulation and other restrictive policies that make developing and handling increasingly expensive and difficult.

    Economic slowdown

    The main risks related to economic slowdown that could affect real estate investments in 2021 include global coordinated economic slowdown, decelerating US Gross Domestic Product growth, and decreased growth in some European countries.

    Pricing issues

    Some of the main pricing issues that could affect real estate investment and that worry investors include:

    • Late-cycle high pricing
    • Compressed cap rates due to low interest rates
    • High competition for assets on the equity and debt sides

    Other real estate investment concerns

    Besides all the aforementioned issues that real estate investors are concerned about in 2021, there are few more that are uncategorised, such as:

    • Technology disruptions
    • Corporate high yield debt bubble
    • Lack of action to improve climate change and infrastructure investment
    • Exposing investments to increasing climate risks

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    The Top Five African Countries To Invest In For High Yields

    Dateline: Krakow, Poland

    Many in this field tend to focus on opportunities in emerging Asia, often along with Latin America and Eastern Europe. But one continent usually gets left out, and thats Africa.

    Smart investors are going behind the scenes and taking advantage of opportunities on the continent that really is the last frontier. In fact, Africa is viewed with such optimism by the Chinese that over 70% of their foreign direct investment is in African countries. Anyone whos paid attention over the last couple of decades should know that its wise to pay attention to where the Chinese are going with their money.

    Following Chinas lead, countries like India, Turkey and Russia, along with much of the Western world are also stepping up their investment efforts on the continent. The United States, for example, has doubled bilateral trade with sub-Saharan Africa since 2001.

    Many businesses and investors are still relatively unaware of the opportunity in Africa and, as the continent is still a fairly small economy, fragmented into almost fifty countries, its difficult to find good information. However, over the past couple of decades, several African countries have undergone economic reforms and have become much better places to do business than much of the world.

    That being said, there are five countries in Africa that I believe show the most promise, and getting in now will be one of the wisest investments of this century:

    Topics Covered

    The Reality Of Real Estate Investments In Europe

    While its expensive, real estate offers a cash yield, and for some, a net rental income of a few percent this is a high return compared to zero interest offered on other assets.

    The reality is that some emerging markets are in trouble with declining growth rates, turmoil, lower commodity prices, and volatility in currencies. Rich investors from emerging markets are turning to Europe because they had to diversify due to such problems. Another reality of investing in property is that it drives up rental prices in many major cities, leading to discontent for example, Berlin and Amsterdam.

    There are property markets performing well in general with lots of international capital flows. In essence, real estate is equivalent to a secured bond, especially if you buy in the prime property markets in Germany, for example.

    That said, there is still potential elsewhere in Europe for a better economy and higher inflation to influence your investment. This is the main reason why real estate in continental Europe and other recovering markets has performed so well.

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    How Can I Invest 500 Dollars For A Quick Return

    How to invest $ 500: 4 options to consider

    • Open a Robo Advisor account. A robo-advisor is a great option if you are just getting into the investment game.
    • Given Micro. Micro-investing is a good option to consider if you want to continue with your initial $ 500 investment.
    • Open a high interest savings account.
    • Pay off debt.

    What Is Real Estate Trend Alert

    10 Best Cities For Real Estate Investment in Africa 2021

    Opportunities in real estate are everywhere, but that doesnt mean that everyone has access to them. To find the kind of deals that can double your money, it takes time, connections, and lots of resources. More than most people have

    Thats why I formed Real Estate Trend Alert . Its a group of like-minded investorspeople just like youwho can benefit wildly from the scouting and research that my team and I conduct.

    My team and I spend up to $1 million dollars a year on travel, research, and analysis, pinpointing the best deals and putting together my reports on stand-out opportunities.

    I am in the business of mining opportunity nobody else findsculling through the mounds of unworthy offerings to identify the gemsand Im committed to bringing every serious opportunity I find to members of RETA.

    In 2019 for example, I told Real Estate Trend Alert members how to

    • Make $22,500 per year in rental income buying condos steps from the beach in Akumal, a small town on the Mexican Riviera
    • Make $32,000 per year in rental income with a luxury villa project in Costa Rica
    • Own premium lots in a Brazilian beach town for a tiny $250 per month
    • Land a whopper $247,700 windfall buying in Panama Citiys most exclusive new development
    • And much more!

    By joining RETA , you have access to every new opportunity and all my latest research ahead of everyone else.

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    Best Real Estate Company In Kenya


    Real estate investing is a brilliant way of building a solid source of income. But as profitable as it can be, not everyone knows how to get started. It begins by buying land for development or an already developed piece of land and slowly working your way up. Lucky for you, Username Investments Limited offers the knowledge, resources, and investment properties you need to begin.

    Having money in your account to purchase a property may be a tremendous avenue to procuring land in Kenya, but if you deal with the wrong real estate company, you might end up broke with nothing to show for it.

    Even as the real estate market becomes more lucrative, more players are entering the market. Of key importance, therefore, is to find a reputable company with a proven track record of delivering what the customer wants.

    Username Investments Limited helps take the guesswork out of property investments. It is one of the best real estate and investment companies in Kenya. By researching top real estate growth regions and providing strategically located plots for development or home building, Username Investments help you succeed by minimizing risk and maximizing returns.

    The company can help you make convenient purchases in various towns including Ngong, Konza, Tinga, Kangundo Road, Naivasha, Nakuru, Ipolosat, and Athi River.

    Invest Africa Real Estate

    This page will assist you to Invest in Africas Real Estate sector. It will also provide a list of our preferred corporate service providers in Africas Real Estate Sector and other relevant information on Africa Real Estate. Companies in the African Real Estate sector seeking investment should visit our Homepage and click on Apply for Funding, Investors looking for investment opportunities in the African Real Estate sector should visit our Homepage and click on Invest in Africa to receive curated investment opportunities in Africa Real Estate. If you would like to promote your African business, please visit our homepage and click on Promote My Companys Services. To receive a list of top business leaders in Africa Real Estate you can visit our Homepage and Search our Database.

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    What Types Of Properties In Europe Should Investors Consider For Better Returns

    A major trend in the European housing market is buyers seeking out smaller houses. They no longer choose to acquire grand villas after all, these are expensive to buy and maintain. The elderly in particular are the ones with money, but they often cant cope with maintaining huge houses. Younger people, on the other hand, dont have the money but arent willing to spend time maintaining large properties. Therefore, we see the luxury segment has more vacancies and large villas dominate the market.

    Instead, senior citizens would rather sell their houses and reinvest in smaller luxury apartments with a view. They are willing to put a lot of money in a five-star apartment without too much work.

    Nowadays, many young people have to rely on their parents generosity to be able to afford property. That said, it gives a better return than putting money into the bank they will get little return since interest rates are around zero. If parents want to help their children, they might consider investing in smaller, more affordable housing.

    This is not only a financial trend, but a social one. Property developers and investors should therefore consider houses and apartments of a medium size or smaller. They should also look into properties that are energy-efficient, which is obviously big business almost anywhere in the world.

    Top 4 Latin American Real Estate Markets 2018

    Pin on Investing in Real Estate

    The 2018 Latin American real estate market made great strides in order to catch up with the rest of the worlds leading markets. Four markets, in particular, were responsible ushering in a new period of growth and prosperity for a market that has otherwise been held in check by political turmoil for far too long:

  • Chile

  • Peru

  • Mexico

  • These four countries are at the forefront of a real estate movement that investors may not want to miss out on. Chile, for example, has done its best to attract foreign investors for quite some time. The country passed Decree-Law 600, which entitles foreign investors to the same benefits as native citizens. As a result, U.S. investors interested in Chilean real estate may be subject to lower tax rates, making an already attractive market more interesting. On the other hand, Colombia maintains a strong link to the United States, landing it at the top of the list for many U.S. investors. Not only that, but Colombia also boasts one of the regions best corporate income tax ratessecond only to Chile.

    However, the biggest thing driving international real state is the growing emphasis on a global economy. As capital movement across borders faces fewer artificial barriers, not unlike Chiles Decree Law 600, the gap between U.S. real estate investors and promising marketplaces across the globe will shrink.

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    Etfs And Mutual Funds

    Investing via ETFs and mutual funds comes with the built-in advantage of ease , diversification, and professional management. Some prominent ones include:

    • VanEck Africa Index ETF , which tracks some of the largest and most liquid stocks in Africa. It holds about 75 stocks and has a country allocation to South Africa , Morocco . and Nigeria .
    • The iShares MSCI South Africa Index is allocated 99.5% to mid-sized and large companies in South Africa in the financial, consumer discretionary, and telecommunication services sectors.
    • The Market Vectors Egypt Index ETF gives access to Egypt, the third-largest economy in Africa, with an allocation of around 85%. The remainder is spread to geographically diversify across Luxembourg, Canada, and Ireland.
    • The Global X Nigeria Index ETF concentrates on Nigeria with financials, consumer staples, energy, materials, and industrials as the top sectors.
    • The Cloud Atlas Big50 ex-SA ETF is an ETF domiciled in South Africa. The exchange-traded fund invests in 50 representative companies across the African continent, excluding South Africa, through 15 African stock exchanges.

    Mutual funds that invest in Africa include the Alquity Africa Fund , Investec Pan Africa , Neptune Investment funds II Neptune Africa Fund , JPM Africa Equity , Commonwealth Africa Fund and Nile Pan-Africa Fund A .

    Real Estate Elsewhere In Europe

    An investor has the possibility to either invest in very expensive property in established European markets but it is a secured investment at a low return or to invest in those markets where prices have fallen but are recovering. Investors who are willing to take a bit more risk could have a higher return but not without taking a gamble.

    Sweden is definitely one to keep an eye on. GDP grew by 2.7% in 2018 and there was a 17% increase in investment. Real estate investors can look to take advantage of low interest rates to invest in property in cities such as Stockholm.

    Its also worth considering buying property in Central and Eastern Europe. Prague in the Czechia has undergone something of a commercial property boom in the last two years. Across the border in Poland, there has been development taking place in Warsaw this has caught the attention of eagle-eyed investors. Another city seemingly on the verge of a boom is Bucharest, Romania.

    Europe is now offering opportunities both to defensive and opportunistic investors. We see a mix of investors those who are investing in the core markets with an expectation of a few percent return, and those who are investing in European countries to benefit from the property market recoveries.

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