Why Security As A Service Is A Good Investment


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Managed IT services are a sound investment for any business that relies on IT systems in the day-to-day operation of the business. Money invested is an investment in the safety and security of your business.

For the best in IT security services Australia, get in touch with the experts at EFEX. Arrange a consultation and together well formulate a managed IT services plan that will give you complete peace of mind.

Why Security As A Service Is A Good Investment

Discuss why Security as a Service is a good investment.

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Keeps Security Tools Updated

After the implementation of SECaaS, the latest security tools and resources are available across all devices within your organization. In order to enhance the effectiveness of anti-virus and other security tools, it is required that they are kept up to date with the latest virus definitions and patches. Moreover, SECaaS services ensure that these patches and updates are implemented and managed on every server, mobile and PC throughout your organization.

Fully Managed Security Services

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In this arrangement, the company providing the security services usually owns the entire security program.It is still up to the client what security controls they want, of course.They will pick what they want firewall, endpoint protection, SIEM, etc and the providing company implements their own solutions.The security company will have already picked out the particular firewall they are using, for example.This model works well for smaller organizations or companies that cant handle security internally.

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You Can Enhance Performance

The business world thrives on enhanced productivity. Outperforming your competition should be one of your top goals month after month and year after year. Cloud security can help you keep pace with your peers in the industry, no matter which industry might be. Getting faster access to popular web applications will also help you respond to customer questions and feedback, which can help bolster your reputation. Security shouldnt slow down your operations in some cases, that can be your worst nightmare!

Best Value Cybersecurity Stocks

These are the cybersecurity stocks with the lowest 12-month trailing price-to-earnings ratio. Because profits can be returned to shareholders in the form of dividends and buybacks, a low P/E ratio shows youre paying less for each dollar of profit generated.

Best Value Cybersecurity Stocks

Source: YCharts

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Security As A Service : A Changing Market

Today, more and more traditional security companies are developing and enhancing their service based offerings. These include web security, email threat management, network security, cloud, mobile and more. While many argue that reduced costs should not be the driver for a switch especially in security products, only a few companies, including Appknox, argue that their solutions are better offered as a service.

This is a market in transition and this is what all CIOs and CTOs need to observe and understand. Previously, security services that moved to the cloud basically just moved the centralised management console. Today, offerings have gradually matured to utilise the strengths of the cloud. For example, at Appknox, not only is the security tracking and management on the cloud, the whole security analysis also takes place in the cloud using a cloud-based emulator that we’ve custom built. As a user, this gives you immense power to perform multiple tasks while the benefits of cloud take care of all the performance-related pain. This helps us conduct faster and deeper analysis and provides you with more horsepower to perform better.

As the demand and use of cloud services skyrockets, users are more vulnerable to attacks than ever, as they access the Internet through varying and relatively unsecured highways. This is where SECaaS comes in, serving as a buffer against the most persistent online threats.

Types Of Managed Security As A Service Models

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There is actually a wide spectrum of managed services that fall within the managed security as a service umbrella.In short, you can outsource a single security process like managing a firewall or you can outsource your entire security program.What is best for your organization will really depend on your team.Lets look at a few of the common managed security models.

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Putting Security First 3 Reasons You Should Be Investing In Cybersecurity

Embracing new technology is a vital part of remaining competitive, no matter what industry youre in. While this enables previously unprecedented levels of innovation, it also leaves businesses open to increasingly dangerous cyberattacks. In the past few years, some of the most sophisticated cybercrimes ever were perpetrated, and even giants like Facebook and Equifax fell prey to hackers. Data has become one of our most valuable resources and we need to take protecting it seriously. That means investing in cybersecurity.

Investing in cybersecurity is no longer a choice for modern day business. As data becomes increasingly valuable and the internet of things grows more popular, cybersecurity is a key priority for businesses in all sectors.

Here are just a few reasons why:

The Internet of Things is coming

The IoT promises to make our lives and jobs a lot easier. We tend to associate the internet with computers and smartphones, but the reality is that these days we can connect just about anything to the internet. From Fitbit to fridges and TVs, we can link and control objects in a totally new way.

Hackers are getting smarter

Data breaches have received a lot of attention in the news recently and for good reason. Cybersecurity Ventures estimate that cybercrime damages will cost the world $6 trillion annually by 2021.

Proactive protection of your systems is one of the best investments you can make in your business your cybersecurity is worth it.

  • Risk detection

Threat Protection From All Sides

Todays business users savvier about accessing secure information. Yet, many are less aware of the ways that they could be opening their networks to external attacks.

This causes a nightmare for system administrators and security professionals alike as they attempt to batten down the hatches of their information and keep it truly secure. Advanced threats from external actors who are launching malware and direct attacks at a rate of thousands per day are a challenge.

The drive towards accessibility of data and platforms at all times causes a constant tension between business users and technology teams. Security technologists seek to lock down internal networks at the same time users are clamoring for the ability to bring their own device to work.

There is a significant shift in todays workforce towards the ability to work whenever and wherever the individual happens to be.

This makes it crucial that technology teams can provide a great user experience without placing too many hurdles in the way of productivity.

When business users find an obstacle, they are likely to come up with an unacceptable workaround that is less secure than the CSO would like. Account requirements too prohibitive?

Cybercriminals are active throughout the world. No businesses are immune to this threat. Damage from cybercrime is set to exceed an annual amount of $6 trillion by 2021. Doubling the impact from just 2015.

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What Can Secaas Protect Against

Although its important to understand what Security as a Service can protect against , its essential to also appreciate WHERE it will protect you.

Your data is now everywhere, on local laptops, mobile phones, tablets, in the air thanks to WiFi, on local servers, edge servers, cloud services and each of these platforms needs to be secured.

SECaaS will protect your local network devices, edge services, cloud services, WiFi, mobile phones and tablets from an ever growing number of threats.

  • Malware
  • Brute force attacks

An Overview Of Secaas

Why a Managed Security Service Provider Is Good for Your Business

The reality is that new and more sophisticated cybersecurity threats are appearing on a daily basis. These are all designed with one purpose in mind, to compromise your network. Cyber criminals are looking to steal data for profit by reselling that data or demanding a ransom for its safe return.

With the move towards cloud based network services the security perimeter can be somewhat blurred. Sensitive data is spending more and more time in the cloud and the security implications of this warrants closer attention.

Security as a Service allows you to outsource the security of your local and cloud based services to a managed security provider. It is the SECaaS provider who becomes responsible for all areas of your network security. The best providers of SECaaS will have extensive experience in the security arena and will utilise the latest protective measures available.

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What Is Security As A Service

SECaaS is a way to outsource complex security solutions needs to experts in the field while allowing internal IT and security teams to focus on core business competencies.

Not long ago, security was considered a specialization that needed to be in-house. Most technology professionals spent only a small portion of their time ensuring that backups always, the perimeter was secure, and firewalls were in place. There was a relatively black and white view of security with a more inward focus. Antivirus software offers only basic protection. It is not enough to secure against todays threats.

Fast forward to today, where risks are mounting from all directions. Data assets spend a significant portion of their life in transit both within and outside the organization. New software platforms are being introduced on a weekly if not a daily timeline with many organizations. It is more difficult than ever to maintain a secure perimeter, and accessible data, while staying competitive and agile.

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Five Reasons Why Switching To Saas Will Be The Best Investment You Make This Year

Business models are significantly evolving alongside technology, and when it comes to making the right choice for your business, you have to consider the long-term effects it will have on your ability to keep up with or surpass the competition. As a business operator, you have an obligation to commit to the best, most secure, valuable and accessible tools that allow your team to focus on doing their actual jobs . The better investment this year, without a doubt, is cloud computing over on-premise infrastructures. Cloud computing falls into three categories: software-as-a-service , platform-as-a-service and infrastructure-as-a-service .


The basic difference between an on-premise system and SaaS or PaaS is that on-premise solutions are installed locally on your company’s hardware and servers and then managed by your IT team while a cloud solution is provided to you as a service, inherently reducing the total cost of ownership of your software infrastructure.

Here are the top five reasons for any business to update their on-premise system to a cloud-based system:

1. Costs

2. Maintenance

3. Space

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4. System Upgrades And Customizations

5. Time Management And Performance

Secaas Marks The Spot

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The security threat landscape is evolving rapidly, and when organizations are faced with a shape-shifting opponent, they dont want to wait until their business case stacks up to update their security tools. To stay ahead of the threats, they need the most cutting-edge solutions available.

Security-as-a-service makes the latest updates available instantly. Such offerings are also flexible, scaling to fit the consumers needs with the option to add or take away components as those needs change. This allows CISOs to be more reactive to the shifting security landscape and avoid waste in their limited budgets.

SECaaS also has a shorter time to value and lower upfront cost than traditional security offerings, eliminating the need for investment in capital assets and constant physical maintenance of aging infrastructure. In addition, its possible to stage a transition from traditional offerings to SECaaS so that security moves over gradually from capital assets on-premises to the cloud.

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Why Should I Invest In Cybersecurity

As technology evolves, lucrative opportunities arise for businesses. Nevertheless, the new opportunities generally lack the proper security in the early stages as the technology is constantly evolving thus, exposing significant cybersecurity threats.

For businesses driven by technology and use technology for their business operations, it is prudent to ensure that you have a reliable safety plan established. In this next section, discover 5 reasons why you should invest in cybersecurity:

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Estimated Projection & Foresight

With every type of investment, you should always consider what the experts are saying about your company of interest and how its been trending over the last couple of years. Before making the purchase of the stock, take some extra time to ask people in your network to get their thoughts and opinions on the cybersecurity company you are considering investing in.

Foresight is another important thing to consider when making a new investment. You are putting a lot of money into this company, and you want to make sure this is going to pay out for you in the future. Why invest in a company if you arent sure whats going to happen to it in the next 2-5 years? If you knew it was going to fail in 3 years from now, would you still make that investment? The estimated projection is important to consider because you want to see where they think their company is heading and how much money your investment will pay out.

How To Invest In Cybersecurity

Why a Managed Security Service Provider Is Good for Your Business

Before you go out and purchase expensive cybersecurity software from the first company you see, you should consult an expert with proven experience implementing countermeasures for a variety of business types.

All businesses are different and require unique cybersecurity protocols depending on the various systems in place. A cybersecurity professional will have knowledge in all aspects of the playing field and will be able to provide you with a strategic and effective plan to secure your valuable data.

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Final Thoughts On Armed Guards For Security

There you have it: the primary benefits of hiring armed guards for your security needs.

Private security is an enormous industry around the world. In every country, increasing numbers of individuals and businesses are hiring security to serve their vital protective function.

Armed security, in particular, can offer significant advantages. However, due to their specific role, and the heavier price tag attached, the decision to hire them can be more difficult. As weve seen, though, that premium can be more than worth the money in the right situation.

Hopefully, this post has highlighted exactly why thats the case.

Looking to hire security personnel? Contact us today to see how we can help.

If youd like to learn more about OPS Security Group Armed Security Services, Visit

OPS Security Group has over 80 years of combined experience protecting executives, businesses, residents, guests and government officials throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Washington D.C. and New Jersey. As a regional security alternative with a service-first approach, we offer a level of customer service that international providers are too big to deliver. If youd like to learn more, you can contact us at

Cyber Attacks Are On The Rise

The financial, healthcare, and retail sectors are the most affected by cyber attacks. Surprisingly, even top-level government departments are not safe from malicious attacks. For instance, the US Defense Agency suffered a data breach in mid-2019, but it was only discovered in February 2020.

Just like other forms of crime, cybercrime is growing as the population increases and more businesses adopt the new digital-first landscape. A few years ago, the total number of internet users accounted for 51% of the global population. According to industry forecasts, 75% of the global population will be active internet users by 2022, and the number is expected to rise to 90% by 2030.

The emergence of new and sophisticated technologies and digital concepts like IoT has led to an increase in cyber attacks. And while the technology is rapidly developed and released to customers, Cybercriminals have also adapted, devising new schemes for attacking and extorting businesses.

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