Wholesale Real Estate Investing Training


Work On Your Buyers List

Real Estate Investing Training Tips Wholesaling Real Estate,Wholesale Real Estate Investing Training

Before investors start searching for their first wholesale deal, it is a good idea to get a buyers list in place. As a wholesaler, your sole purpose is to act as a middleman between sellers and buyers. Thats why its a good idea to know where to find buyers before securing a property under contract. Building a strong buyers list will help make sure you know where to take any deals you find.

There are several ways to build a buyers list, including attending real estate events, networking, email marketing, and social media. Many successful wholesalers also rely on bandit signs, which share your contact information throughout a given area. Remember, it is in your best interest to know who you are selling to before you ever find a deal.

Market Market And Market Some More

I want to make it abundantly clear: The first month should focus on learning your market, establishing logistics and lining up potential buyers. Notice how I neglected to include finding deals? There is a good reason: real estate wholesaling will be a lot easier with all the right pieces in place.

Without a buyers list, a means of getting a hold of you, or even simple market knowledge, its safe to assume real estate wholesaling is downright hard. However, you will find that success is a lot easier to come by with everything in order. Once you have laid the foundation, I recommend moving forward with setting goals in the second month. Provided you have done everything I outlined above, consider taking the following steps in month two.

The second month of any real estate wholesaling campaign should focus on only one thing: marketing. Provided you took all the steps I mentioned in the first month, your funnel is ready to start receiving leads. I recommend initiating the following marketing strategies:

As with any real estate wholesaling marketing strategy, you must remain consistent. While you would ultimately love to hear responses from your first attempt, the chances of landing a hot lead improve over time. That said, its in your best interest to remain persistent. Dont stop after you mail out one set of direct mail postcards or post a single wave of bandit signs.

What Is Wholesaling Real Estate And How Does It Work

The wholesale real estate investing strategy is similar to flipping houses but without the renovations.

Lets say you are a wholesaler who finds a property that is under market value .

As a wholesaler, you would get that property under contract with the seller and then assign or sell that contract to another investor or buyer and that investor or buyer would complete the purchase with the seller.

A wholesaler does not improve the property at all. The only job is to get it under contract and sell the contract to another investor who is looking for a worn down house in need of repair.

In the real estate purchase contract you would write on the Buyer Name Line your name and then the words And/Or Assignee to give you the right to assign the contract to another buyer.

Pretty simple huh?

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Cons Of Wholesaling Real Estate

  • Income can be unpredictable

  • Dependent on finding buyers

  • Buyers list can be difficult to maintain

  • Investors should know that any exit strategy will come with potential risks and downsides, although most can be mitigated. The following includes some disadvantages of wholesale real estate investing that should be given careful consideration:

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    • Wholesale

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    Do You Need A License To Wholesale Real Estate

    You do not need a license to wholesale real estate you need to be the principal buyer in the transaction. It is helpful to have specialized knowledge of the home buying and selling process, but no assessment is required to begin. That said, obtaining a real estate license can have several benefits for investors interested in wholesaling. With a real estate license, investors can access the MLS, a great source of property leads. Obtaining your real estate license can also open investors up to several networking opportunities, which could be helpful down the road.

    Learn About The Real Estate Market

    Wholesaling is great for beginners because it fully immerses them into the real estate industry in a short period of time. With the right instruction and education, you will learn marketing, negotiating, organizing, and acquiring the proper legal documentation. In a sense, a wholesale deal combines many aspects of other types of real estate transactions you would encounter throughout your investing career. With a few wholesale deals under your belt, you will know what to look for in deals, as well as what to avoid.

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    Advanced Virtual Wholesaling For Cash Flow

    Advanced Virtual Wholesaling creates consistent cash flow in your real estate investing business!

    • Step by Step training on the Traditional Wholesaling Model AND the Advanced Wholesaling Business Model!
    • VIDEOS, PDFS, HOURS of training on virtually every aspect of processing BUYERS, SELLERS, and STRUCTURING YOUR DEALS!
    • Our PRIVATE list of CONTACTS and RESOURCES that we use in our Wholesaling Business
    • ACCESS to our Closing agents that can facilitate closing around the globe! CLOSE YOUR DEALS from virtually ANYWHERE.


    Whether you are just starting out or you’ve been doing this awhile, Advanced Virtual Wholesaling For Cash Flow is a must for serious real estate investors who understand that the real money is made by multiple creative solutions…that all produce cash flow!

    How To Find Cash Buyers For Wholesale Real Estate Deals

    Assigning Contracts – How to Wholesale – Real Estate Investing Training Video

    Half of the battle of sustaining a successful wholesale business is finding seller leads, and the other half is building a solid list of cash buyers. Wholesalers typically build their buyers lists through a combination of networking and direct marketing. Eventually, establishing strong business relationships can lead to repeat business, helping to take out a lot of the guesswork. Below are a few strategies used by wholesalers to target cash buyers:

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    How Much Can A Wholesaler Sell A Contract For

    Great question. It all depends on how good of a deal the wholesaler is able to find. For example

    If a house is selling for $40,000 and its ARV is $100,000 then the wholesaler needs to calculate how much it will cost in repairs to bring the house up to market value of $100,000.

    Whatever the difference is will be profit and the wholesaler can choose how big of a slice of profit to take while still leaving the investor enough room to profit a good amount.

    If your wholesale fee is too large compared to the investors potential profit in the flip then the investor may not accept the deal so dont be greedy but dont short yourself either.

    Generally, wholesalers can charge anywhere from $1,000 to $20,000 in assignment fees but it all depends on the financials of the deal.

    How To Start Wholesaling Real Estate In 5 Simple Steps

    Investors ready to learn how to start wholesaling houses will be happy to know the process is not complicated. Here are a few simple steps to get started wholesaling:

  • Research your local market before getting started.

  • Curate a buyers list for your area.

  • Secure a financing source that works best for you.

  • Begin searching for potential wholesaling properties.

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    Course #1 11 Days Challenge To Facebook & Instagram Ads

    HAVE YOU SEEN THIS: More Video on our YouTube Channel

    This is another version of the 11DC franchise that focuses on leveraging Facebook and Instagram advertising networks to find motivated sellers who have decided to entertain an offer.

    Its different from the previous one because it is a step-by-step and look-over-my-shoulder coaching and not teaching the theory.

    This program is essentially a way to jump ahead of the initial 2 stages of the data-to-deals real estate investing and wholesaling stages.

    You get to jump data and contact straight to leads. No need to call, send text messages or postcards. You set up the campaign and generate leads.

    You can access this coaching program the same way. Its $15,000 with the original 11DC.

    But again, to access a test drive masterclass for free, go to www.11DaysChallenge.com

    Bonus 11 Days Challenge To $1,000 Daily Income

    Here is a bonus for those who really want to take their home business hustle to another level entirely and stand out.

    This is all about a brand new concept I use for my personal businesses called the DFP to create $1,000 days and make up to $30,000 per month.

    The DFPs allow me the luxury of being able to finance my marketing like the gurus.

    Most people try to hustle for free marketing strategies while the gurus focus on being able to spend the most amount of money on marketing.

    I get it. Its also the gurus who teach these terrible ideas.

    Dont forget to download your 2 free books

    Smart Real Estate Wholesaling and

    Real Estate Wholesaling: Assigning The Contract

    Wholesale Real Estate: How To Build A Wholesaling Team

    Assigning a contract is arguably the easiest way to wholesale real estate. As the name suggests, assigning a contract means that the wholesaler sells the contract, not the property itself. While they dont own the property, they control it using the contract. Subsequently, once the wholesaler assigns the contract for a subject property, an end buyer will assume the role of the buyer.

    It is important to note that you must sign a contract to purchase a subject property during a wholesale deal. This is known as a purchase and sale agreement. Furthermore, make sure the contract does not prevent you from assigning or selling the contract to an end buyer. All contracts, by default, can be sold to another party .

    It is important to understand that the assignment of a contract does not mean you are actually selling the property, nor will your name go on the title. You are simply assigning your rights within the contract to purchase the home and sell the rights to the end buyer for a profit. When it comes time for the buyer to purchase the property, make sure they send the deposit to the title agent or attorney handling the closing. Once the transaction is completed, you are awarded a finders fee for acting as the middleman. Of course, this is contingent on the premise that every requirement is met in the purchase and sale agreement.

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    Get The #1 Complete Wholesaling Houses And Real Estate Investing System

    Real estate investing and wholesaling real estate for both advanced real estate investors and for those just starting out! Never before have so many real estate investing niches been hot all at the same time!

    • Lead Generation Suite – Online and offline tools to generate, manage, and leverage leads.
    • Online and offline tools to generate, manage, and leverage leads.
    • Multiple acquisition strategies like Probate Real Estate investing to find deeply discounted wholesale real estate deals with sick margins!
    • REOs, absentee owners, delinquent taxes, code violations and more to hammer multiple niches!
    • Step by Step training on the Traditional Wholesaling Model AND the Advanced Wholesaling Business Model!
    • VIDEOS, PDFS, HOURS of training on virtually every aspect of processing BUYERS, SELLERS, and STRUCTURING YOUR DEALS!
    • Our PRIVATE list of CONTACTS and RESOURCES that we use in our Wholesaling Business
    • ACCESS to our Closing agents that can facilitate closing around the globe! CLOSE YOUR DEALS from virtually ANYWHERE.
    • Plus many more features!

    Educational Paths For Self

    No matter which house flipping training methods you end up using for wholesaling, youll need to learn the following skills to succeed:

    • Networking with other investors
    • Calculating repair costs and transaction costs
    • Getting financing at an attractive rate
    • Closing deals profitably

    Lets take a look at a few learning modalities to see how effectively they can help you to master these activities.

    • Youtube ChannelsYoutube channels like Flipping Mastery TV and Wholesale to Millions are an easy way to start learning about wholesaling. Many channels have extensive material, often including detailed how-tos, relevant background information for specific markets, and plenty of investing war stories. And, some of that material may be both current and useful enough for your education.One of the most significant issues with learning via Youtube is the lack of content vetting. Many channels have many subscribers, but produce videos espousing dubious facts or promoting unethical or inefficient practices. As a new learner, you wont have the experience to know which is which, and thats a significant risk.

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    Ultimate Buying & Selling Machine

    This course contains 71 ways to find and attract deals and is based on the vendor book Real Estate Day Trading.

    It claims to show you how to do it without a marketing budget and how to set up your computer so you can find the right classifieds, owners of vacant homes, appraisals, funding and build a list of buyers and sellers fast.

    What will you learn in the wholesale real estate course?

    • How to make risk-free offers
    • Options and when to use them
    • Assignments and when to use them
    • How to create and sell shares of a corporation or LLC
    • How to assign beneficial interest using a trust
    • How to work with cash partners
    • How to work with credit partners
    • How to do simultaneous closings
    • How to get private and hard money
    • Self-directed IRAs
    • Which contracts and 31 clauses to use in any situation that may come up

    Whats the Price?

    The course is currently offered at a price of $1288.

    You can check it out HERE.

    Staying On Top Of An Organized Buyers List

    How to Wholesale REO’s – Real Estate Investing Training Video

    Half the battle of maintaining a successful wholesale business is maintaining an active buyers list. With the right marketing, you should have a fairly solid list of contacts after completing a few deals. However, it is not just about having those contacts. It is about knowing the different preferences of each buyer. If you know Buyer A prefers turnkey rental properties, you will only contact him when you find a property that meets those needsi.e., a property that will require less work and is in slightly better condition. If you know that Buyer B is a rehabber, you should only offer him properties that need major construction and are priced well below market value. Instead of offering every property you come across to every contact on your buyers list, only reach out to those you truly believe will find value in that particular property. By staying on top of your contact list and tailoring your offers to each individuals preferences, you will be sure to earn loyal clients.

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    Example Of Wholesaling Real Estate

    The concept of wholesaling real estate is fairly simple. For example, lets assume theres a homeowner intent on selling. However, the property is fairly distressed and therefore incapable of being sold for its true market valueif at all. Instead of rehabbing the home themselves, the homeowner has another option: enter into a wholesale agreement with a subsequent investor. Whether the homeowner cant afford to make the upgrades or they dont want to, they can agree to enter into a wholesale contract with a wholesaler. The contract will give the wholesaler the right to buy the property at a specified price . The wholesaler will then find an end buyer willing to pay slightly more than the wholesalers original contract and sell their rights to buy the house to the new investor. Remember, the wholesale isnt selling the property, but rather the right to buy the property.

    And If You Need Help Weve Got Your Back

    Every single member will get email access to our remarkable support system. Trained on the entire Wholesale Real Estate 101 system, and they can help you troubleshoot any issues you may encounter while implementing our proven strategies, techniques, and frameworks to ensure your SUCCESS!

    Have a specific question about how to price your property? Not sure whether you should shoot for a $1k assignment fee or a $10k assignment launch? Need help getting your deals? Ask us about our partnership programs also.







      There is no other course on the market which provides this much value to its members.

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