How Do The Ultra Wealthy Invest


Habits Of The Rich To Maintain Wealth

Where Do the Ultra-Rich Invest Their Money?

On top of these investment strategies, UHNWI rely on various financial habits to preserve the wealth theyve built. Here are five habits the rich incorporate into their financial lives:

  • They develop passive income streams. They dont want to work for their money, they want their money to work for them, so they find other ways to earn passively, such as rental properties.
  • They live within their means and budget. UHNW individuals tend to use a budgeting plan to know exactly where their money is going and live within their means while enjoying the luxuries that fit into the budget.
  • They get guidance from the best. The rich dont try to reinvent the wheel or assume they know best. They bring their wealth to experienced firms like Weber Global Management to take advantage of our specialized knowledge managing UHNW portfolios and financial acumen.
  • They make the most of tax deductions. The wealthy try to minimize taxes through plans and programs that have multiple benefits, like charitable giving and gifting.
  • They start estate planning early. Because their estates are so exceptionally valuable, UHNW investors seek wealth managers early on that specialize in their class of wealth and can provide the resources they need to protect their estate.

Investing Like The Ultra

New regulatory changes have just opened up an incredibly lucrative asset class a look at the wealth created in this sector an invitation to an event with Matt McCall to learn more

Lets start today with profiles of two investors.

On one hand, we have Japanese billionaire, Yusaku Maezawa.

Like so many investors this year, Maezawa was lured into the world of stock market day-trading by the excitement and promise of huge, instant returns. Unfortunately, it ended badly.

After losing $41 million, he took to Twitter to share his deep regrets.

I was blinded by the virus-driven market swings and lost 4.4 billion yen through repeated short-term trading of stocks, something I havent familiarized myself with.

With 4.4 billion yen, how many people could the money have been given out to and saved? Theres no end to this regret.

On the other hand, we have the hypothetical investor, Joe.

Joe makes $85,000 a year. Living on a budget, he squirrels away a small percentage of that to invest regularly in stocks that he researches at nights and on weekends.

Hes done quite well.

Even though his portfolio is a humble $65K, his average yearly gain over the last few years has been 18%.

Now, a question for you

***Which one of these individuals should be allowed to invest in private, venture capital companies?

Well, for a long time, the government has gone with Maezawa.

And why, exactly?

Because Maezawa is loaded and Joe isnt.

Does this seem fair?

Its not.

How To Get Rich With Basically No Money

Lets say you dont even have $200 a month to invest, but you still want to invest and get rich.

For you, Id suggest you invest in a cheap business and work it! There are plenty of stories out there where people started a business with $100 and theyre millionaires today.

If you work hard enough, you could start a business, build it up, and then sell it for millions someday too!

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Doubling Their Crypto Investments

As an alternative to investing in gold to combat inflation, TIGER members have doubled their investment in cryptocurrencies.

TIGER 21 members are putting their money specifically in ethereum , bitcoin , a crypto fund , other coins and dogecoin .

These wealthy investors certainly aren’t wrong. Bitcoin is often described as “digital gold” and theoretically should protect against inflation because of limited supply, but it’s not yet known if it will be a good inflation hedge over the long term.

Of course, everyday investors are also able to invest in crypto thanks to finance apps that make it easy. Cash App, a peer-to-peer payment service owned by Square Inc., allows users to buy bitcoin only. PayPal allows users to purchase four different cryptocurrencies: bitcoin, ethereum, bitcoin cash and litecoin. Users holding crypto on PayPal can then use it to checkout on the app as well.

Robinhood, the mobile app for stock investing, supports seven cryptocurrencies for purchase by users, including the popular dogecoin meme cryptocurrency. And personal finance provider, SoFi, allows for crypto purchases of 21 different coins and crypto tokens through its app. If you want more control over your crypto and to own it directly, Coinbase offers a platform to buy, sell, swap, store and send over 50 types of cryptocurrency.

Increasing Investments In Alternative Energy


Electric vehicle stocks remain hot investments still, and the ultra-wealthy are shelling out more cash into companies like Tesla, Rivian and Lucid.

Tesla stock isn’t cheap, but you can still get exposure to the EV market by putting your money in ETFs that invest in a variety of companies tied to EVs, such as Global X Autonomous & Electric Vehicles ETF or iShares Self-Driving EV and Tech ETF . This is a broader investing approach, and less risky, than buying individual stocks.

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Class A Office Buildings

When it comes to office buildings, it could be Class A real estate in any country. According to, These buildings represent the newest and highest quality buildings in their market. They are generally the best-looking buildings with the best construction and possess high-quality building infrastructure. Class A buildings also are well-located, have good access and are professionally managed. As a result of this, they attract the highest quality tenants and command the highest rents.”

Making revenue from leasing and renting is secondary, its already baked in and expected with corporate tenants who are household names with far better credit and balance sheets than most tenants. But someone’s going to jump from this asset to the skyscraper because it gives them an opportunity to look good in front of their friends, and on social media.

How Do The Wealthy Stay That Way They Dont Invest Like The Rest

This article was published more than 3 years ago. Some information may no longer be current.

To the average investor, how rich people manage their portfolios is likely a mystery. Do they have access to secret tools and vehicles that the rest of us dont? Can the average person benefit from using their techniques?

It is true that rich people use methods not always available to the rest of us. And the approach that money managers employ for well-heeled clients often differs from investors with more modest portfolios.

While some might call them rich, the investment industry prefers to call them high-net-worth clients. Historically that has meant a person with net investable liquid assets of at least $1-million. That excludes the value of a principal residence, registered accounts such as RESPs and RRSPs, and net of all debt.

But while their investments may be larger in size, they are usually made up of the same kinds of assets as those with smaller portfolios. As a result, many firms define high net worth as an individual or family with liquid investable assets in excess of $5-million, and ultra-high-net-worth as those whose liquid net worth is greater than $25-million.

While of course there are no guarantees, these investments can often present returns that are superior to more widely available investment products.

Like family offices, Canadas banks are also increasingly taking a more comprehensive approach with wealthy clients.

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Why The Rich Dont Solely Invest In Their 401k

Often times, the 401k can be a solid investment , so you will find quite a few rich people investing here as well. But, while the average person often invests solely in their 401k, the wealthy only have a small amount of their net worth here.


The 401k is largely undiversified. In the 401k, youre pretty much limited to buying stocks and bonds. As well discover later in this article, rich people like to diversify and invest in many other alternatives.

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But What If You Invested Like The Rich

Heres Where and How the Ultra-Rich Are Investing Their Money

But, what if you invested and earned 10% per year on that money ? Then, instead of your $10,000 feeling like $2,500 in 40 years, it would feel more like $134,000!!

THATS why the rich invest their money! Then, instead of being able to buy virtually nothing with their money, they can live off it nicely and give in the process too!

Inflation is a killer, but if you invest like the rich, you wont even need to waste your time thinking about it.

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How Do The Ultra

As director of wealth advisory at William Buck, Im often asked how the rich invest. Part of the service offering of our private office team is to meet the specific needs of the ultra high net worth and high net worth investors. In financial services, UHNW is a term used to describe people with investments of $10 million plus, whereas HNW is reserved for those with investments outside the family home valued at or above $1 million to $10 million.

  • Property is the single-largest asset held by UHNW clients we see. This is via direct property or wholesale property trusts and represents 30% of all holdings. There is little residential property held and where it is, it tends to be in a development with friends of property-developer associates. Commercial building investment tends to be rent and collect and will often include business premises or former business premises held in the clients superfund.
  • Bonds and/or bond funds is the second-largest asset held and represents almost 30% of holdings.
  • International shares and Australian shares combine to occupy about 15% of their portfolio. The weighting towards international is consistently increasing at the expense of Australian shares and the holdings tend to be all unhedged. There is a combination of wholesale managed funds in this area and direct investment through well-known international brokers.
  • Available cash tends to be around 5%, which is higher than wealth advisory clients who tend to hold more in term deposits.

    Stay The Course And Keep On Investing

    This survey should give people the confidence to invest in stocks for the long term. Your portfolio doesnt have to be wildly overweight stocks. But you should probably hover between a 51% 100% weighting depending on your age and your financial goals.

    Im happy with a 55% weighting in stocks and a 10% weighting in alternatives at this point in the cycle. Experiencing market volatility is no fun as your net worth grows. Less volatility is why I enjoy investing in alternative investments.

    My long-term goal is to earn a 5% 6% annual return with low volatility. The way I plan to achieve these steady results is through broad diversification and investments in private real estate syndication.

    I truly believe investing in real estate is one of the best ways to build wealth for most Americans. As a high net worth individual myself, I have roughly 50% of my net worth in real estate. It was about 40% until I bought a forever home during the start of the pandemic.

    The key is to invest in a risk-appropriate manner so you can sleep well at night. Put your investments into the background so you can live your best life every day. Below are my recommendations to build more wealth.

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    How To Invest Like The Ultra

    I have been advising ultra-high-net-worth families for over 25 years. I believe when it comes to their investment portfolios, there is one commonality among family offices. Wealthy families invest their money to stay wealthy and to grow their wealth with a long-term approach that utilizes more strategies than the typical retail investor employs. In addition to stocks and bonds, they tend to invest directly in real estate equity, as well as being a secured lender in the real estate space. They also may invest in private equity and venture capital funds to provide a diversified investment approach.

    Unfortunately, retail investors often believe these non-traditional investments are only available to the ultra-wealthy. But I believe all qualified investors should have the ability to invest like these families do instead of being relegated to a typical 60% stocks/40% bonds retail-type portfolio that’s commonly recommended. To take a family office investment approach involves incorporating alternative investments and finding good opportunities with favorable fees in addition to solid risk-adjusted returns that are not highly correlated to the success of the more traditional stock and bond markets.

    There has been an explosion of these non-correlated investments over the past few years. Unfortunately, many of these investments charge high fees, which diminishes the chance for successful outcomes. High fees can make a great deal mediocre and a poor deal even worse.

    Do I qualify?

    Investing Only In Intangible Assets

    4 Things the Ultra

    When people think of investing and investing strategies, stocks, and bonds normally come to mind. Whether this is due to higher liquidity or a smaller price for entry, it doesn’t mean that these types of investments are always the best.

    Instead, UHNWIs understand the value of physical assets, and they allocate their money accordingly. Ultra-wealthy individuals invest in such assets as private and commercial real estate, land, gold, and even artwork. Real estate continues to be a popular asset class in their portfolios to balance out the volatility of stocks. While it’s important to invest in these physical assets, they often scare away smaller investors because of the lack of liquidity and the higher investment price point.

    However, according to the ultra-wealthy, ownership in illiquid assets, especially ones that are uncorrelated with the market, is beneficial to any investment portfolio. These assets aren’t as susceptible to market swings, and they pay off over the long term. For example, Yale’s endowment fund has implemented a strategy that includes uncorrelated physical assets, and it returned an average of 10.9% per year between June 2010 and June 2020.

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    Keeping Up With The Joneses

    Many smaller investors are always looking at what their peers are doing, and they try to match or beat their investment strategies. However, not getting caught up in this type of competition is critical to building personal wealth.

    The ultra-wealthy know this, and they establish personal investment goals and long-term investment strategies before making investment decisions. UHNWIs envision where they want to be in 10 years, 20 years, and beyond. And they adhere to an investment strategy that will get them there. Instead of trying to chase the competition or becoming scared of the inevitable economic downturn, they stay the course.

    Further, the ultra-wealthy are very good at not comparing their wealth to other individuals. This is a trap that many non-wealthy people fall into. UHNWIs stave off the desire to purchase a Lexus just because their neighbors are buying one. Instead, they invest the money they have to compound their investment returns. Then, when they’ve reached their desired level of wealth, they can cash out and buy the toys they want.

    Use Logic Rather Than Emotions

    Amateur investors are very emotional. This means that emotions drive their investment decisions. For example, they will buy real estate property because they love the neighborhood. Perhaps even solely because the neighborhood makes them feel the emotion of nostalgia. Or they love the color of the carpet, or the relaxing view of the mountains.

    When I make an investment, theres hardly any emotion involved. I dont care about the fact that the neighborhood reminds me of my childhood, or that view makes me feel at peace. What I care about are the numbers. Does it make sense to buy this property, financially and logically?

    Amateur investors lose money on stocks because of their emotions, too. They get greedy and feel emotions of excitement when stock prices go up, and they dont want to sell. They keep riding the winning stock. Then suddenly, it drops and they lose money. Then they wait for it to bounce back.

    The prices might then drop some more. So they wait again. Logically, they should instead sell some shares when the stock has gone up a certain amount, enough to have a profit. If the stocks continue to rise, that will be the gravy. But if it drops, you accept the loss and sell. They should be using logic, instead of riding emotions of greed and excitement.

    If you want to know how rich people invest their money, its important to know that they make decisions about their investments using logic.

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    The Value Of Rare Whisky Classic Cars Wine And Handbags Are Up Over 100% Over The Past 10 Years

    Luxury goods and other collectibles, despite their flashiness, don’t make up notable slices of the alternative assets portfolios of the wealthy. However, the value of luxury goods has grown by 129% over the past 10 years, as measured by the Knight Frank Luxury Investment Index.

    Rare whisky has seen explosive growth in value over that period with a 478% increase. Handbags, wine, and classic cars have also notched increases in value of over 100% over the past ten years.

    COVID-19 has thrown a wrench in luxury goods investing. Values of art, rare whisky, diamonds, jewelry, and coins dropped in 2020 as supply chain issues crunched production and delivery and normal methods of sales like auctions and other face-to-face interactions were snarled by the pandemic.

    Clearly, some luxury goods have grown significantly in value and can offer many of the same benefits of other alternative investments. So why do they hardly register in the alternative investment portfolios of the wealthy?

    There are a few reasons:

    • Luxury goods are illiquid. They can be expensive and time-consuming to buy and sell even in small quantities.
    • They’re risky and relatively unregulated — counterfeit art, for example, is a long-standing problem and sales are not always reported.
    • Historical data for particular items can be lacking.
    • Some luxury goods can require significant costs over time for things like maintenance and upkeep.


    Data source: Knight Frank . Furniture data is from Q2 2020.


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